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Galapagos Islands: What Makes The Galaapagos Unique? Galapagos Islands: What Makes The Galaapagos Unique?

Today, a team of scientists, including from the University of Miami UM Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, studied a large eruption in the archipelago to get new insights into how volcanoes behave and could help forecast future events.

Galapagos Islands: What Makes The Galaapagos Unique?

Credit: Falk Amelung, Ph. The findings, published in Nature Communications, reveal how the volcano inflated and fractured before it erupted and captures a new level of detail for any eruption from a volcano on the islands. Networks of ground-based seismic and GPS monitoring stations, and satellites, captured data for 13 years before Sierra Negra's eruption, in June The surface of the volcano rose during this time, indicating a gradual accumulation of molten rock—known as magma—found in a reservoir under the volcano.

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The signals were among the largest ever recorded at a volcano of this type, experts say. This eruption provided a rare opportunity to fill some of the gaps, researchers say.

Galapagos Islands: What Makes The Galaapagos Unique?

An international team integrated geophysical data with analysis of the chemical composition of the erupted lava. Such high inflation rates are rarely seen at active volcanoes. Fresh earthquakes accompanied the eruption and emptying of the magma reservoir.

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After the eruption, the hills within a six-mile wide hollow at the summit of the volcano—known as a caldera—were nearly two meters higher. This phenomenon, known as caldera resurgence, is important for understanding when and where eruptions happen, scientists say.

Galapagos Islands: What Makes The Galaapagos Unique?

However, it is rare and has never been observed to this extent before. The team also discovered that the ascending magma permanently uplifted what they call a 'trapdoor' in the floor of the caldera. This raised its surface and, in a complex interplay, triggered large earthquakes that led to the eruption.

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Galapgaos This new understanding of volcano behavior will allow local scientists to track the evolution of volcanic unrest before future eruptions and communicate warnings to local authorities and the public. Explore further More information: Bell, A. Nat Commun 12, Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.]

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