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The Yellow Sign - \ Foreshadowing In The Yellow Sign Foreshadowing In The Yellow Sign

Associated Press photographer Alexander Zemlianichenko says this of the image: "I feel it's both very intimate and also deeply symbolic, an image of empathy and self-denial in the face of mortal danger.

Foreshadowing In The Yellow Sign

They honor the courage of nurses, funeral workers and clerics who risked their own health to do their jobs. They witness life slipping away, and being snatched back from death. To mark the Foreshadowing In The Yellow Sign of 3 million COVID deaths worldwide, The Associated Press asked 15 photographers in 13 countries to pick the single image they shot that affected them the most, and explain why. Their selections document the staggering human toll as COVID robbed millions of their lives, and millions more of their basic freedoms and day-to-day routines over the past year.

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But their reflections tell a deeper story, guiding the viewer to see and understand a once-in-a-century pandemic through the eyes of people who had the privilege and horror of witnessing it up close. Just like their subjects, the AP photographers were terrified they might get infected and bring the virus home. Just like their subjects, they remain haunted by what they saw.

Foreshadowing In The Yellow Sign

Just like their subjects, they found moments of hope. Alexander Zemlianichenko still stays in touch with the Russian Orthodox priest who made house calls to bless the sick and dying in Moscow, saying accompanying him was "an experience that transformed me, helping overcome my own fear" of the virus.

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But Ebrahim Noroozi, AP's Iran-based photographer, remembered he was so grief-struck that he couldn't even pick up his camera to shoot the three volunteer clerics as they washed the body of a year-old COVID patient and prepared him for burial in December. The scene momentarily paralyzed Noroozi: the clerics in dark rubber hazmat suits and Foreshadowing In The Yellow Sign pink and yellow gloves working behind the steamed-up windows of the cemetery preparation room, one of them standing on the table over the dead man with a bucket, washing his naked body. Noroozi said he was finally able to shoot after being inspired by "the devotion and sacrifice" of the three volunteers, who along with friends had buried dead in and around Ghaemshahr, in northern Iran.

They worked when even the victims' own relatives stayed away from funerals for fear of contagion. Brazil photographer Felipe Foreshacowing had been on assignment in Spain early on in the pandemic when he was recalled home to document the start of Sgin deadly surge, which was taking a huge toll in Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state. Photo Gallery Associated Press pandemic photos View 15 Photos Dana was covering Manaus funeral workers as they buried the dead in mass graves when the workers were called to pick up the body of a suspected COVID victim by boat from a river village outside the capital.]

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