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Feminist Intersectionality Theory Feminist Intersectionality Theory

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Posted in Uncategorized My blog is about how social media can cause Intersecfionality Feminist Intersectionality Theory arise in interpersonal relationships. Thus far, I have primarily focused on how social media negatively impacts romantic relationships. This week, I will be discussing how social media can create feelings of jealousy in close, platonic relationships. Exploring feminist theory this week, made me reflect on how competition between women is often glorified and encouraged in our culture.

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Women are often taught to compete with each other, rather than support each other. Learning about intersectional feminism this week made me think about the kinds of Ffminist we amplify in society and on social media platforms. Oftentimes, the voices we amplify in the feminist movement belong to white women.

Feminist Intersectionality Theory

In the video on intersectionality, the speaker talks about Kimberle Crenshaw and her writing on intersectional feminism. She states that black women faced multiple kinds of oppression-sexism and racism-simultaneously. This made me think about influencer culture and how the biggest female social media stars are caucasian. Recently, a popular white Tiktok star came under fire for not crediting POC creators for their dances and other content. Feminist Intersectionality Theory people were upset that white creators were benefiting off of POC creators content. This inequality could lead to feelings of jealousy between women.

Feminist Intersectionality Theory

POC women may feel aggravated that white women are given opportunities and a platform that POC have to fight so much harder for. Social media is a competitive market and the inequality it breeds could lead to tension and jealous between women. It could to women fighting against each other rather than for each other.

Feminist Intersectionality Theory

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