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Extreme Poverty Reduction

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E-mail China Focus, April 20, Adjust font size: For more than two decades, the global battle to eradicate extreme poverty has made steady and effective progress. In , less than 10 percent of the world's population were living in extreme poverty, and there were hopes that a continued reduction in would keep world leaders on track in their mission to eradicate extreme poverty — number one of the key Sustainable Development Goals by agreed at the United Nations General Assembly in September The impact of the COVID pandemic over the past year has however proved one black swan event too many, causing for the first time this millennium a rise in the number of people living in extreme poverty. The World Bank estimates that up to million people were pushed into extreme poverty last year because of the pandemic, with a further 39 million expected to be added by the end of this year. Escaping the clutches of poverty has now become increasingly tethered to how quickly developing countries can deal with COVID Manage it effectively, and countries might just mitigate the worst of the damage. Prolong its spread, and face the realisation of decades of hard recovery. With most developing nations yet to fully begin inoculating their populations, chances of a quick recovery appear at a minimum, something the United Nations has warned could contribute to more than million people being pushed into extreme poverty by the end of the century. These are therefore extremely difficult times for people living in extreme poverty, with the pandemic acting not as "the great leveller" that some have stated, but as an inequality virus that pushes the poorest and most vulnerable even closer to the limit. It is in times like this however that countries should look to others not only for help but also inspiration, that even from the most extreme and adverse set-backs, victory can still be achieved. Extreme Poverty Reduction

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Extreme Poverty Reduction

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Extreme Poverty Reduction

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