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Euphemism. Literary term. English literature Class BA Sem 1 Euphemism In Literature. Euphemism In Literature

Robert Bridge Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. Overnight, the US has changed into something alien, something sick. Wokeness has arrived with a vengeance, and it doesn't bode well for the nation's future. But the joke was told Euphemism In Literature ago, and nobody is laughing anymore. The first sign that something sinister had infected the left side of the American cranium occurred in the unlikeliest of places: the college campus, the manicured citadel of free thought and expression where the very idea of censorship is wholly repugnant.

Euphemism In Literature

But that was yesterday. Euphemism In Literature, university students consider it their solemn Ltierature to silence any individual or individuals who do not share their liberal worldview. Peak insanity occurred in Februarywhen violent protesters hurled rocks and torched buildings at the University of California, Berkeley to prevent conservative speakers — including controversial commentator Milo Yiannopoulos — from addressing a group of students. From there, it was off to the insanity races. Also on rt. In other words, America is on the express lane to Idiocracy, population million.

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This cult-like craze, where the bigots are engaged in a strange competition to find new things to rage about, is no longer a campus activity. That is to suggest that the flying skills of minorities are somehow inferior to those of white males, but rather that nothing good ever comes when it is forced from above. Although it may fly in the face of the new woke math, two wrongs will never make a right. And here is where it may be forgotten that white liberals were themselves responsible for the woke movement in the first place.

Frankenstein, their hideous creation would one day return Euphemism In Literature devour them. First, to subject an entire race of people to the most despicable sort of stereotypes, Euphemism In Literature portray whites as dyed-in-the-wool racists with little hope for rehabilitation, is unforgivable precisely because it is false.

It is unfortunate that anyone would have to labor the point, but US history is simply loaded with too many examples of whites fighting on behalf of fairness and equality to go unmentioned. Yes, slavery was a horrible chapter in American history, but it cannot be discussed in a vacuum as though there was never a Civil War or a battle for civil rights, or affirmative action, for example, and many other pieces of legislation specifically designed to help minorities.

Second, it would appear that the entire woke brigade has learned nothing from the harsh lessons of history — which should come as no surprise, since universities have largely cancelled such invaluable studies, go figure — and what can come as a result of ruthlessly attacking a single race of people. Nobody can imagine a genocide happening today, any more than Euphemism In Literature Jews and gypsies could have imagined one occurring in the early days of Nazi Germany. Attacks of a racist nature against any group are simply disgusting, and it is shocking that such a thing is allowed to happen in America, one of the most racially diverse countries in the world.

Euphemism In Literature

It should be remembered that the US did not become diversified by accident; it became that way because it was Euphwmism to happen by the American people, the majority of whom are still white. Seuss book or the name of a pancake batter. The world is watching, America; get it together.

Examples of Euphemism in Literature

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