Essay On Pacific Garbage Patch - Custom Academic Help

Essay On Pacific Garbage Patch Essay On Pacific Garbage Patch

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Place Order Ocean pollution Propose a solution to a geopolitical injustice. The solution can take one side of the issue or provide a compromise.

Essay On Pacific Garbage Patch

This paper should have three main parts: Inherency: Demonstrate the need for a comprehensive reform. Explain the various problems that are directly related to the geopolitical injustice to establish that the status quo is a problem that merits addressing.

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Plan: Present the solution you are proposing in detail. You will need to account for issues of Actor who should take hereMandates what the actor should doFunding how much will the plan cost and how the actor will pay for it and Enforcement how the actor will guarantee the mandates will actually happen.

Essay On Pacific Garbage Patch

Advantages: Treated as main points, explain the benefits of your proposed plan. A good structure would be to describe the status quo before the plan, explain how the plan would improve the status quo, and then enumerate and detail the good consequences of the plan. The purpose of the Research Paper is to develop an argument on your topic and to provide persuasive support for your thesis using strong reasons and clear evidence through specific examples.

Essay On Pacific Garbage Patch

Sources examined and critiqued in the Annotated Bibliography should be incorporated into your paper as you develop your formal, well-written, persuasive argument. The Research Paper should follow formal grammatical conventions and style. A research paper is an original argument where the student poses a research question, gathers materials designing interview questions, observing and taking notes, designing questionnaires, critical analysis of readings and sourcesfocuses the research, shapes the argument, and frames the Essay On Pacific Garbage Patch in relation to the larger themes developed in the course. Already picked the geopolitical issue the paper to be on and have Pacufic sources that must be cited in the paper and at the end of the article.

The geopolitical issue picked is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which is ocean pollution.

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Also the solution is to team up with the non- profit organization called The Ocean Clean Up and create braclets out of the jewelry. Where did the trash in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch come from? How do we stop it? Great Pacific Garbage Patch weighs more Pacivic 43, cars and is much larger than we thought.]

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