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Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies Essay Words 4 Pages Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies When many people hear the word "therapy," they think of something that has caused a problem and has to be fixed. In most cases, that is true. Most people think the problem may be an injury that has to be rehabilitated or an extreme mental problem where the person needs serious help. However, therapy does not always deal with injured or mentally troubled people. Three types of therapy that help a wide range of people with their problems The Importance Of Occupational Therapy Words 7 Pages Occupational therapy is an interesting discipline which has its roots in just about every other form of therapy and medicine. Many aspects of occupational therapy are seen in everyday life, yet go unnoticed because of how commonplace they are in our society. When I thought of occupational therapy, before doing research, I thought of specialized equipment such as a modified spoon to help a person who had suffered a stroke can feed themselves once again. Khan, Some have a family member, a friend, or know someone who has ASD. Increasingly it is becoming a more common disability.

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OT Rex - Personal Statement Tips for Pre OT Students Essay On Occupational Therapist Essay On Occupational Therapist

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Crystal Waynick April 3, Abstract Autism has become an increasing subject of interest, especially to researchers and medical professionals.

The Importance Of Occupational Therapy

This increase in interest is most likely due to the fact that autism is becoming an Essay On Occupational Therapist problem in children, with the number of diagnoses doubling in Autism Spectrum Disorder Asd Words 6 Pages Autism Spectrum Disorder Dustin S. Sensory processing sometimes called "sensory integration" or SI is a term that refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses.

The pattern increases and begins severely disrupting the family routine as the child has narrowed her list of accepted foods to peanut butter, Goldfish, lettuce and milk.

Essay On Occupational Therapist

This can include a hyper- sensitivity to touch, sound, light, and even smell Autism Speaks. Reactions to certain types of sensory input can range from mild to more extreme.

Essay On Occupational Therapist

Furthermore what approaches appear to be working in their rehabilitation process. It is important to address this because during their early years, children learn by exploring their surroundings.

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Thus, preschoolers need a structured sensory environment that not Occupatiobal stimulate their senses but also teaches them new development skills such as cause and effect Messauber, The second reason for this needs assessment was to learn more about the benefits of Essay On Occupational Therapist rich environment for preschoolers. The main perspective I will use is Behavior Psychology. The second perspective I will use is In treating autistic children, and other people Occupational Therapy And Speech Therapy Essay Words 4 Pages Occupational therapy and speech therapy is truly a field of work that is individualized and practical.

I Want to Be a Physical Therapist

Each day delivered a level of goals and Essay On Occupational Therapist. Each child that attended this outpatient clinic expressed how valuable and unique they truly are. The individualization was one of the best mechanisms that was transpired on a daily basis. It is a feature article like you find in the New York Times. Notice that she cites her sources the way that journalists do, naming them in the article as though she both read their work and talked with them but, because she is a student, she also includes a nonjournalistic reference list. This student has Ofcupational to the difficult challenge of addressing.]

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