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What Is Environmental Racism? Lingering sunlight and suggestions of swelter are lifting spirits across the United States. For many, the spring air marks a transition out of the seasonal depression that comes with winter. Factors like rising temperatures and a pandemic affect how comfortably people can live in their communities, and more often than not discomforts fall disproportionately on communities of color. Young people have advocated for an intersectional approach to the climate crisis that addresses the realities of environmental racism. Living amid industry can impact mental health. While it is acknowledged that living near landfills or toxic dump sites can disrupt physical health, there is less research available on how this impacts mental health.

Environmental Racism Research Paper - with you

Cite Work ABSTRACT Environmental issues have become a matter of concern for many countries and educational institutions but this subject still remains largely under-investigated in literary studies, particularly in Africa. The major focus was on how the poets used and depicted aspects of nature and for what reasons. The analysis also revealed that the poems present an interconnection between the poets and nature, whereby they treat every part in nature as if it is a creature that has a soul. Furthermore, the study established that recognizing environmental elements as entities of feeling through human depictions aids in connecting readers with their environment, which in turn culminates in a sustainable conservable relationship between the two. The study concluded that nature and humans are interdependent and that what happens to each would inevitably affect the other. However, nature can maintain itself without human interference, whereas humans need all the elements of nature to survive. The poets have successfully portrayed the environment in a positive manner. Environmental Racism Research Paper Environmental Racism Research Paper

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The United States Army encouraged massive hunts of American bison to force Native Americans off their traditional lands and into reservations further west. This is considered an early example of environmental racism. As a result of the former, byall tribes east of the Mississippi had been removed to western lands, essentially confining them to "lands that were too dry, remote, or barren to attract the attention of settlers Environmental Racism Research Paper corporations.

The study also found that the risk assessment code RAC used to measure dangerousness of sites with unexploded ordnance can sometimes conceal click much of a threat these sites are to Native Americans. The hazard probability, or probability that a hazard will harm people or ecosystems, is sensitive to the proximity of public buildings such as schools and hospitals.

Racism Research Paper On Racism

These parameters neglect elements of tribal life such as subsistence consumption, ceremonial use of plants and animals, and low population densities. Because these tribal-unique factors are not considered, Native American lands can often receive low-risk scores, despite threat to their way of life.

Environmental Racism Research Paper

The hazard probability does not take Native Americans into account when considering the people or ecosystems that could be harmed. Locating military facilities coterminous to reservations lead to a situation in which "a disproportionate number of the most dangerous military facilities are located source Native American lands.

This included allegations that the US "deliberately and systematically permitted, aided, and abetted, solicited and conspired to commit the dumping, transportation, and location of nuclear, toxic, medical, and otherwise Environmental Racism Research Paper waste materials on Native American territories in North America and has thus created a clear and present danger to the health, safety, and physical and mental well-being of Native American People.

Environmental Racism Research Paper

link The pipeline was proposed to start in North Dakota and travel to Illinois. Although it does not cross directly on a reservation, the pipeline is under scrutiny because it passes under a section of the Missouri river Pzper is the main drinking water source for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Pipelines are known to break, with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration PHMSA reporting more than 3, leak and rupture incidents for oil and gas pipelines since These concerns were ignored. President Donald Trump reversed this order and authorized the Environmental Racism Research Paper of the pipeline.

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A new environmental study was ordered and released in Octoberbut the pipeline remained operational. There are still ongoing litigation efforts by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline in an effort to shut it down permanently. General Environmental Racism Research Paper Office GAO issued a report on the case inand the United Church of Christ UCC commissioned a report exploring the concept in drawing a connection between race and the placement of the hazardous waste facilities. However, the study was limited in scope by only focusing on off-site hazardous waste landfills in the Southeastern United States.

Eventually this led to President Bill Clinton 's Executive Order which directed read article to develop a strategy that manages environmental justice, but not every federal agency has fulfilled this order to date. Bush 's administration, there was an attempt to remove the premise of racism from the Order.]

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