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Many students with learning disabilities LD struggle to develop reading fluency, which affects reading comprehension. The search yielded 19 studies examining reading fluency and comprehension outcomes of reading fluency interventions for students with LD in kindergarten through 5th grade. Results showed repeated reading RR , multicomponent interventions, and assisted reading with audiobooks produced gains in reading fluency and comprehension. Providing a model of fluent reading and performance feedback, using easier level text, setting a performance criterion, and practicing RR with peers also contributed to improved outcomes. Findings suggest that RR remains the most effective intervention for improving reading fluency for students with LD. Limitations include sample size, only three group design studies, and infrequent use of standardized measures. Reference: Stevens, E. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50 5 , — Effects Of Reading Comprehension Effects Of Reading Comprehension

Thus, it is important to provide struggling students with specific reading support. In particular, many students with learning disabilities LD and emotional behavioral disorders EBD demonstrate reading obstacles and are at risk for motivation loss.

Effects Of Reading Comprehension

A multiple baseline design was used to evaluate the effects of a motivational reading racetrack as peer-tutoring on the word reading skills of secondary students with LD with and without EBD. The intervention was conducted through 4—5 baseline and 16—18 reading units three times a week for 15 min over 8 weeks. The results showed positive effects indicating a highly effective treatment.

Original Research ARTICLE

In addition, follow-up results were also promising. Introduction The Importance of Reading at the Secondary Level Difficulties in reading at the secondary level are considered more serious than reading challenges at the primary level Guerin and Murphy, Yet, the training of reading fluency is mainly carried out in the lower classes, as it is assumed that this is one of the tasks Effects Of Reading Comprehension primary school teachers Rasinski et al. Comprehensikn, the promotion of reading at secondary level is often neglected Edmonds et al. As a result, students with reading difficulties move further and further away from their typically performing peers, with the result that many fail to meet the requirements for each grade level.

Key Research Papers

Also, the survey showed that struggling German year-olds did not enjoy reading as much as youth in other countries [ Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ECDComprehensionn. Acquiring the reading skills necessary to become Effects Of Reading Comprehension far beyond school is a major challenge for many students. Reading proficiency requires many complex steps. For example, lower-level processing skills such Effects Of Reading Comprehension decoding and reading fluency are necessary in order to advance toward higher-level skills such as reading comprehension Chard et al. Hurdles in Achieving Reading Proficiency On the road to reading proficiency, fluency is extremely important as it functions as a bridge between decoding and understanding a certain text; thus, without fluency, working memory WM capacities are used to simply decode a text, leaving little effort left to spend on attention to content Juffs and Harrington, and, consequently, poorer comprehension.

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While stronger readers do decoding and vocabulary retrieval automatically via long-term memory, weaker readers have to consume more WM resources to improve reading, and especially sight word reading Sweller, ; Peng et al. A meta-analysis by Peng et al. Specifically, WM and word Effects Of Reading Comprehension were more strongly related than WM and non-word reading, and WM was more related to word reading than sentence reading. Deficits in automation in word recognition, in turn, pose a tremendous challenge to reading comprehension Perfetti and Stafura, Coltheart et al.

Effects Of Reading Comprehension

Using the lexical route orthographic decoding words are accessed quickly, whereas the non-lexical route phonological recoding consists of decoding individual words to be read, making this a more arduous process. Students with hurdles in the area of learning tend to rely on the non-lexical route since they struggle with storing information properly and, as a result, experience challenges in retrieving information rapidly.

But word recognition is needed in order to become a proficient reader and thus, needs to get early attention. For the German language, Knoepke et al. This Comprehebsion the importance of promoting the lexical route. Moreover, for German, which tends to be one of the transparent Effects Of Reading Comprehension, students with reading difficulties face hurdles especially in automated direct word recognition Landerl and Wimmer, Students who did not learn word recognition skills in the earlier grades will most likely have reading difficulties, not only in the higher grades but throughout adulthood as well Leffingwell, Ehri developed a model that deals Effects Of Reading Comprehension with the lexical path and word recognition.

This model consists of the following stages: pre-alphabetic, partial alphabetic, full alphabetic, and consolidated Comlrehension phase, which describes the degree see more which readers make memory connections between the written word and pronunciation. Automated consolidated words enable the reader to master reading by quickly and unconsciously retrieving a word Comprehemsion the mental lexicon via the lexical route Ehri, Students With Learning Disabilities and Emotional Behavioral Disorders The majority of students with learning disabilities LD demonstrate hurdles in reading Lerner and Johns,primarily reading fluency Chard et al.

Further, many students lose motivation to read and learn, and, understandably, get frustration Martin et al.]

Effects Of Reading Comprehension

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