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Edward Humes Recycling: Why Better Than Nothing Isn T Video

Zero Waste vs. Recycling Edward Humes Recycling: Why Better Than Nothing Isn T

By John W. Coverwho teaches at Purdue University, provides yet another example where I say, "If he doesn't think so, why should I? But he says otherwise: The divine authority of Scripture seems to me not something that one could really establish at all. To accept the authority of Scripture on the authority of my parents will work all right as an explanation of why I do believe it, but hardly works as a justification of the belief itself why I should believe it.

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My own view is that no amount of historical scholarship can establish the inspiration and authority of scripture. He asks, what sort of evidence could there be about God inspiring the Gospel writers say or the selection of the Canon that would underwrite belief in those? My suspicion is that Plantinga is right: our warrant in believing the Bible to be the authoritative Word of God owes to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Full stop, pretty much.

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Michael J. I would no longer espouse this view Whether one chooses to continue believing it as I do or not, one is forced to accept LINK Is it any wonder why the rest of us think these people are nuts! David Marshall and other apologists tell us faith is trust based on evidence.

But we know differently. Around 2 hours a Christian questioner defines faith as belief without evidence. Craig is very frustrated in his response. He defines faith as trust based on evidence.

Seek And Ye Shall Find:

This shows a real disconnect between how academic Christians define faith and how common people define faith. In his debate with Peter Boghossian, Timothy McGrew speculated that the overwhelming majority of Christians would reject the idea that faith is defined as belief without evidence.

Edward Humes Recycling: Why Better Than Nothing Isn T

And guess what? They're just as sure of their gods as you are your god.

Edward Humes Recycling: Why Better Than Nothing Isn T

More religion photos of the week here. I write about long-term travel, philosophy, living debt free and alternative lifestyles, overcoming the restrictive limitations of cultural expectations, minimalism and more. I've even written two psychological murder mysteries and at least thirty plays, many of which have been performed on stage in front of live audiences.]

Edward Humes Recycling: Why Better Than Nothing Isn T

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