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Dilma Rousseff Research Paper - absolutely

Focussed on the Carpathian forests, it found around sites are being felled illegally each spring, when silence periods should protect several endangered animal species including brown bears, wolves and Eurasian lynx. Earthsight claims this illegal logging has not been picked up in FSC audits because of systematic issues with FSC that go beyond Ukraine: conflicts of interest as auditing bodies are paid by the logging companies they certify; inadequate oversight by Assurance Services International ASI which should be holding the auditing bodies to account but is argued to have failed to do so. Earthsight highlights that FSC has only investigated 13 companies in its year history — 0. In response, FSC states it is fully aware of the issues in Ukraine, and insists that whenever illicit acts are identified or reported they are investigated. IKEA says it has started its own investigations, commissioned audits from a 3rd-party independent audit company, asked questions to ASI, and pledges that if any illegal wood is indicated in its product it will take immediate action. Dilma Rousseff Research Paper Dilma Rousseff Research Paper

It is an event the other multidimensional light workers have been waiting for as well as the 3D here on Earth.

Dilma Rousseff Research Paper

It is like Creators insurance that the awakening and healing process of Humanity and the Earth will continue and be successful. To understand this one must understand how the higher dimensional beings operate.

Dilma Rousseff Research Paper

They, for the better part, work through the grids of consciousness and energy. The Earth has been under the influence of the Archons, mainly Draconians for eons. Some call the present grid an Archonic or Draconian grid.

Dilma Rousseff Research Paper

It was not the original plan which was to be an Eden, heaven on Earth where the fauna, flora, animals, including the human civilization could evolve to its highest potential. Due to interference on many levels by several species the Earth was hijacked ending up in its present state.

Universal Law was replaced by Draconian Law, arrogance and greed and power over others Dilmx the rule of the day and as one climbs the ladder of power and wealth one realizes it gets even more decadent.

Dams in the Amazon

The shift in power moves from seen to unseen forces and those unseen forces care nothing for Humanity and the Earth. To Researh you are like cattle, a resource, to do with as they wish. Most are afraid to address this, they will hide behind spiritual aphorisms, beliefs with built in denial, or lay a guilt trip with judgments of spreading fear porn etc. They are the ones if fear, afraid to face the dragon. This is exactly why this Draconian empire was allowed to take over.]

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