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Cuckoo Bee Pollinators Research Paper Cuckoo Bee Pollinators Research Paper

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Cuckoo Bee Pollinators Research Paper

The showy purple flowers called common foxgloves Digitalis purpurea are native to Europe, where they are pollinated by bumblebees. When admiring humans took the foxglove to the Americas, it was enthusiastically embraced by a new guild of nectar-drinkers — the hummingbirds.

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So why would foxgloves with longer corollas do better? Plants with corollas too long for bumblebees to reach their nectar Papeg guaranteed to be pollinated by hummingbirds, which are more effective than bees at depositing pollen on the next flower.

The longer corolla also creates a more comfortable fit for a hovering hummingbird, perhaps improving pollination rates.

Cuckoo Bee Pollinators Research Paper

Hummingbirds can travel further between flowers than can bees, which might reduce plant inbreeding. Ecology More Research Highlights A newly detected radio signal might be the signature of a similar aurora on a planet in another solar system. Nichols, Univ. Leicester Astronomy and astrophysics.]

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