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Counselling Theory: Sigmund Freud And The Psychoanalytic

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Counselling Theory: Sigmund Freud And The Psychoanalytic

Counselling Theory: Sigmund Freud And The Psychoanalytic - consider, that

Freud theory 1. Until this conflict is resolved, the individual will remain "stuck" in this stage. According to the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, children go through a series of psychosexual stages that lead to the development of the adult personality. Freud considered we are largely unaware of why we do the things we do — a notion which is still much discussed by those researching memory. An erogenous zone is characterized as an area of the body that is particularly sensitive to stimulation. How does personality develop? The top of the iceberg, the part you can see, is like the conscious mind. He was a psychoanalyst and looked for unconscious motives, which influenced the behavior of the patients, he was treating. If parents are too strict or begin toilet training too early, Freud believed that an anal-retentive personality develops in which the individual is stringent, orderly, rigid, and obsessive.

Discussion: Evaluating Psychoanalytical Theory Sigmund Freud is often hailed as the father of psychoanalytical theory.

Counselling Theory: Sigmund Freud And The Psychoanalytic

His theory was the first to point to the influence of early childhood experiences. However, psychoanalytical theory has received a lot of criticism.

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Although theories Ckunselling supposed to be objective and value-free, they are developed within a sociocultural and political context. For example, with historical perspective, it is possible to see that values within the Western Victorian era influenced Freud as he developed his theory.

Another criticism is that many psychoanalytical concepts cannot be measured.

Counselling Theory: Sigmund Freud And The Psychoanalytic

For example, how do you measure the id, ego, and superego or the notion of unconscious conflicts? As a result, it is difficult to test the accuracy of these concepts using social science research methods. It is important to critically evaluate theories for their practical use. For example, is it appropriate to use a theory when working with diverse populations or with populations different from those with whom the theory was normed e. Finally, are the assumptions of theories consistent with the Pschoanalytic underlying the field?

sigmund freud theory of development

In this Discussion, you respond to some of these concerns. To prepare, read the following from the Learning Resources: Auld, F. How is therapy with women different? In Resolution and inner conflict: An introduction to psychoanalytic therapy pp.

National Association of Social Workers. Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Explain whether you believe it is appropriate to apply psychoanalytic theory to women and individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups.]

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