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Conflict And Conflict In Being Prey Conflict And Conflict In Being Prey

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Rolheiser: The origin of our conflicts and differences By Rev. The issue here is not about when sincerity meets insincerity or plain old sin. The question is why sincere, God-fearing people can find themselves radically at odds with each other.

Conflict And Conflict In Being Prey

They clashed because they were fragments. Each represented only one part of the deity; they were not an intact god.

Conflict And Conflict In Being Prey

Inside Dionysus, the intact god, there was harmony, everything fitted together, but everywhere else various pieces of divinity wrestled and sparred with each other, forever in tension and in power struggles. That image is a fertile metaphor shedding light on many things. What is the root cause when people are at odds with each other and there is no insincerity or sin involved, when both parties are honest and God-fearing? Today we speak of ideological differences, historical differences, political differences, and personal history as to why sincere people often see the world differently and are at odds with each other.

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We have a language for that. So we continue in our disharmony.

Conflict And Conflict In Being Prey

Much too can be gleaned from this image in terms of how we view other religions. For him, what Christianity sees as contained in the Trinity is experienced in pieces in by people in other faiths.]

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