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Cleft Lip Research Paper. Cleft Lip Research Paper

Abstract Objective: The purpose of this pilot study is to compare the transverse palatal widths in untreated adult cleft palate patients with normal adult patients. Methods and Materials: The study was conducted in Bangladesh recruiting 10 patients with adult sized untreated cleft palate and 15 patients with normal Li; sized palates.

Cleft Lip Research Paper

The control group was comprised of 7 males and 8 females with a mean age of Alginate impressions of the maxillary arch were taken and poured into plaster dental casts. The inter-canine, inter-premolar and intermolar widths were measured to evaluate the maxillary growth pattern in patients with unoperated cleft palate. Due to the small Cleft Lip Research Paper size, both independent T-test and Mann Whitney non-parametric tests were performed to analyze the statistical significance of the data. Results: According to both the T-test and Mann Whitney non-parametric tests, the inter-premolar width including both the first and second premolars was statistically significantly smaller in the affected group with p values of 0. There was no significant difference in the inter-canine width between the affected and control group due to the variable canine position in cleft palate patients.

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Due to small sample size, no significant difference in the intermolar width between the affected and control group could be established. Conclusion: The interpremolar width is significantly smaller Cleft Lip Research Paper patients with adult sized cleft palates than individuals with normal Clert sized palates. Open Journal of Orthopedics, 11, Introduction Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common congenital craniofacial deformities affecting the midface region and results in functional, esthetic and psychosocial disturbances. According to Wyszynski et al. In mammals, the palate consists of the bony hard palate anteriorly, which is essential for feeding and speech, and the soft palate posteriorly, which is crucial for closing the airway during swallowing.

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In mammals, facial development begins with the formation of the five facial prominences: the frontonasal prominence, a pair of maxillary prominences and a pair of mandibular prominences [3] [4]. As the face develops the frontonasal process divides into the mesial and nasal processes forming the nostrils.

Cleft Lip Research Paper

Fusion between the medial nasal process and the maxillary process forms the upper lip and the primary palate [3] [4]. The secondary palate arises as paired outgrowths from the maxillary process initially growing vertically on the sides of the developing tongue [3] [4].


As the mandible grows antero-posteriorly the tongue moves downward eventually allowing the vertical palatal shelves to re-orient horizontally above the dorsum of the tongue during palatal shelf elevation [4]. At this point, the paired palatal shelves grow towards the midline and eventually fuse. The secondary palate also fuses anteriorly with the primary palate and anterodorsally with the nasal septum [3] [4].]

Cleft Lip Research Paper

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