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A Historical Tour of Hagia Sophia Characteristics Of Hagia Sophia Characteristics Of Hagia Sophia

Fungi lead the way in terms of microorganisms that reproduce and grow.

Characteristics Of Hagia Sophia

Fungi possess the ability to exist abundantly in the environment. The probability of airborne saprophytic fungi causing invasive disease in individuals who otherwise have a healthy immune Characteristics Of Hagia Sophia is low. Thus this is why it is imperative that the fungal concentration in such highly populated buildings such as hospitals Sarica et al. Mosques are one of the institutions that are subject to a very high flow of traffic as thousands of people visit them daily, for both worship and touristic purposes, and because of this it would be beneficial in terms of protecting the health Characteristics Of Hagia Sophia the public for mosques to be evaluated from the perspective of fungal concentration. This study examined the microfungi isolated from the carpets, walls and Holy Qurans from the Little Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosques respectively in during the months of January, April, July and October.

Overall, the concentration of microfungus the Blue Mosque was The microfungus varieties isolated throughout the study in order were as follows; Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Alternaria, Trichoderma, Chaetomium, Mucor, Eurotium and Rhizopus Table 1.

Similarly, to the current study, a study carried out in Brazil also identified the dominant genera isolated to be Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Rhizopus and Alternaria Menezes et al. In another study carried out in Pennsylvaniathe isolation of the following genera was reported at high levels; Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, and Alternaria Horner et al. Likewise, a study carried out in Edirne determined that Penicillium, Cladosporium and Alternaria were the most isolated genera Aydogdu et al.

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Research carried out in South Taiwan in an indoor building environment by Su et al. Another Characteristics Of Hagia Sophia study focused on the detection of fungi in the indoor spaces of residential areas of individuals who displayed allergic symptoms. Fungi was observed to be present on house dust, laundry and within building structures and the nature of fungi transmission and their role in causing illness was investigated. The fungus found to be most present in order are as follows; Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Alternaria and other genera of fungus. Particularly in relation to indoor areas, contamination by fungus can pose a serious threat to human health Takatori, Despite there being hundreds of Aspergillus genus, only a proportion of these can be said to be related to causing illness. In addition to causing allergic symptoms, Aspergillus genus can also cause ear infections www.

Characteristics Of Hagia Sophia

In the research carried Characterjstics by Hedayati et al. Similarly, the current study concluded that the most isolated species was A. Some of the fungi isolated throughout this study such as Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Penicillium, can cause allergic symptoms, to differing degrees, in those individuals who are predisposed genetically Celtik et al. In addition to this, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Penicillium and Cladosporium can give rise to respiratory illnesses from allergic rhinitis to asthma to varying Oliveira et al.

The current study found the Alternaria genus to generate a positive result in terms of IgE dependency and is a commonly encountered allergen. It is most commonly found on carpets, textile products, the basements of buildings and on window frames. The spores of this fungus Hafia be found in the mouth, nose and upper respiratory pathways. In chronic cases, pulmonary emphysema can develop and acute symptoms include oedema and bronchospasms.

Thu, 29 Apr, 11:45–12:30

In contrast, it is known that the Penicillium genus is the most commonly encountered fungus in the Hagja environment. It can be considered to be allergic because it causes hypersensitivity pneumonia and allergic alveolitis; whereas the Cladosporium genus was the type of spore most detected in the air. In contrast to outdoor environments, it is found less in indoor environments. It can cause mycosis, has more than 10 antigens and is the cause of extrinsic asthma.

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The Mucor genus which is part of the Zygomycetes branch is allergenic and can give rise to mucorosis in immune compromised individuals. Areas affected by infection include the lungs, nasal sinuses, brain, eyes and skin www. Characterristics it became apparent that the fungi and allergens found in house dust were a primary source of allergy, several studies globally have been carried out on their prevalence and typology and relationship to allergic complaints and diseases Aycan, It is known that carpets accrue Characteristics Of Hagia Sophia dust than wooden floors. Studies show that carpets contain more allergens and studies show that carpets contain more allergens Beguin and Nolard, A carpet is an important allergen reservoir Tranter et al.]

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