Biological Causes Of Depression - Custom Academic Help

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Parents have carried heavy burdens of stress and responsibility, worrying about themselves but also watching their children struggle, and there is worldwide concern about depression and suicidality among young people. But it is not only the adults and the young adults and teenagers who are suffering and sad; young children can also experience depression, but it can look very different, which makes it challenging for parents — or doctors — to recognize it and provide help. Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Times Rachel Busman, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute in New York City, said that it can be hard to think about depression in younger children because we picture childhood as a time of innocence and joy. Depression was originally conceived of as an adult problem. What does depression look like in younger children? It is up to adults to look for signs that something is not right, she said. The best way for parents to recognize depression in young children is not so much by what a child says as by what the child does — or stops doing. Children may seem flattened, have less energy or tire easily. And they may start complaining about physical symptoms, especially stomachaches and headaches. They may sleep more — or less — or lose their appetites. Biological Causes Of Depression

Biological Causes Of Depression - excellent topic

Certain foods have the ability to boost energy, improve mood and make us feel perky. But some foods can cancel out chemicals in the brain, causing fatigue and depression. There is a very simple formula for avoiding foods that trigger depression and can actually make you feel better. The most important action to take as a consumer with depressive symptoms is to buy organic and learn how to read nutrition labels properly. Arming yourself with knowledge will ease the impact of foods on mood and empower you to be more proactive in your health maintenance. Foods with High Pesticide Residue Foods that are grown with heavy pesticide use can be detrimental to mood and well-being. Most foods grown with pesticides are found in the fruit and vegetable section of the grocery store. The worst offenders are celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach, cherries, kale, potatoes and grapes. Biological Causes Of Depression

The study findings have been published overnight in the prestigious journal Nature Human Behaviour, and are the first to identify so many genes that are shared between depression and anxiety.

Biological Causes Of Depression

The senior researcher and head of QIMR Berghofer's Translational Neurogenomics Group, Professor Eske Derks, said that depression and anxiety are the two most prevalent psychiatric disorders in the world and often co-occur together in the same person. Both disorders are highly comorbid conditions, with about three-quarters of people with an anxiety disorder also exhibiting symptoms of major depressive disorder," Professor Derks said.

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Lead researcher from QIMR Berghofer's Translational Neurogenomics Group Jackson Thorp said that they examined the genetic relationship between 28 individual symptoms related to depression and anxiety to understand how they overlapped. Thorp said that some of the genes that are unique to depression were linked to higher levels of the fat triglyceride in the blood - a condition called hypertriglyceridemia.

Biological Causes Of Depression

The research findings can be accessed on the Nature Human Behaviour website. Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.]

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