Benito Mussolinis Losing Their Marbles-Greece - Custom Academic Help

Benito Mussolinis Losing Their Marbles-Greece

Benito Mussolinis Losing Their Marbles-Greece Video

Why was Italy so Ineffective in WWII? - Animated History Benito Mussolinis Losing Their Marbles-Greece

He is most known as the creator of the Fascist party in Italy.

Benito Mussolinis Losing Their Marbles-Greece

He was also known for making himself a dictator and holding power in Italy. Mussolini played a big part during World War II. When he was young, he tried to follow his father's political footsteps.

Benito Mussolinis Losing Their Marbles-Greece

He was a socialist until he was kicked out of the party for supporting world war I. On Marchhe formed the Fascist party. The party was done to show….]

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