Ben Yacobi The Limits Of Authenticity Summary - Custom Academic Help

Ben Yacobi The Limits Of Authenticity Summary

Ben Yacobi The Limits Of Authenticity Summary Video

Being authentic: what is authenticity and what’s so good about it? Ben Yacobi The Limits Of Authenticity Summary

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Those were the days! Fortunately, we lack the means. But independence is a democratic right. A slogan with an internal rhyme is a thing hard to find.

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If we are being asked to keep our eyes on independence, what is it we are being asked to ignore? The continuing stark contrasts in postcode life expectancy across Glasgow and other cities?

Ben Yacobi The Limits Of Authenticity Summary

Drug-related deaths? Sharp practice at the Crown Office? The crushing of internal democracy in the party?

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The list is long. Apparently, the wrong people got elected. A senior MP faces complaints from a staffer about sexual harassment, continuing over some years.

Ben Yacobi The Limits Of Authenticity Summary

A female MP makes inappropriate sexual advances to a party employee half her age while drunk in a London bar. HQ does nothing. Not surprisingly, elected members with occasional honourable exceptions fail to make eye contact and fail to speak out.

Ben Yacobi The Limits Of Authenticity Summary

About anything. The arbitrariness is important. How loyal to the leadership are you going to be if you know there are un-actioned misdemeanours lurking in your file? None of this feels like we are living in the early days of a better nation.

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It feels, at times, more like some grotesque synthesis amalgamating the last months of Yacpbi John Major government with the Dothraki Wedding. How can we inspire communities ravaged by austerity, and then by COVID, without first putting this culture of fear and sleaze behind us? We might acknowledge that married couples should not share power. For a party leader and party CEO to be husband and wife is an obvious flaw, indeed a ridiculous one.]

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