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Atwood Debtors Prism Analysis Atwood Debtors Prism Analysis

Miro forms a major protein complex with Milton adaptor protein and, kinesin and dynein motor proteins to facilitate mitochondrial bi-directional axonal transport such as anterograde cell body to axon and retrograde axon to cell body transport Cai and Sheng, ; Panchal and Tiwari, Various molecular changes have been reported in AD, which includes early metabolic changes, neuronal death, memory loss, cognitive decline, mitochondria dysfunction and defective mitochondrial Debbtors transport Mosconi et al.


The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is commonly used as a model organism to explore the molecular details of several neurological diseases including AD. In the Drosophila model of AD, neuronal death results in rough eye phenotype, learning and memory loss, impaired climbing and phototaxis activity with reduced lifespan Jahn et al. Thus, studying the different parameters such as behavior, cell death, mitochondrial function including ATP level and oxidative stress would be very useful to study the molecular details of AD-related pathologies.

Atwood Debtors Prism Analysis

A study by Iijima-Ando et al. Moreover, knockdown of Miro in AD model flies has been reported to enhance the tau-induced Atwood Debtors Prism Analysis by increasing the tau phosphorylation in AD-related site S by PAR1 kinase Iijima-Ando et al. Interestingly, an axonal transport study in Drosophila has revealed that Drosophila Miro is functionally homologous to human Miro 1 and Miro 2 proteins Tang, ; Kay et al. These similarities between Drosophila and human mitochondrial axonal transport proteins make Drosophila a powerful model organism to study the mitochondria dysfunction related pathologies in AD Kay et al.

Atwood Debtors Prism Analysis

To examine the AD-related pathologies such Atwood Debtors Prism Analysis rough eye phenotype and behavioral changes phototaxis and locomotorAD model flies click here used in the present study. It was observed that the ectopic expression of AD-related genes in the fly eyes results in a degenerated eye phenotype in Drosophila Fig. Further, the magnified view of Drosophila eye images from the AD model showed retinal degeneration along with disarrangements of ommatidia and bristles in the eye Fig. View large Download slide AD related pathologies in Drosophila. Phototaxis activity presented as a light preference index.

In the box and whisker plot, the box outlines show the upper and lower quartiles. The Kaplan—Meier survival test was performed and significance was determined by Montel-Cox log-rank test.

In Re Granite Partners, LP, 194 B.R. 318 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1996)

The climbing activity was significantly decreased to Atwood Debtors Prism Analysis Furthermore, we performed the survival assays in AD model flies to check the lifespan Fig. Together, these results suggest that Drosophila models of AD used in the present study show AD-related pathologies Fig. The defect in mitochondrial axonal transport and dynamics are one of the key pathologies associated with AD. Any alteration in the phenotype will suggest the possible genetic interaction between Miro and AD-associated genes in Drosophila. The genetic interaction study by enhancer and suppressor analysis is a key method for finding out the functional relationships between and pathways, and gives indispensable information regarding gene functions Michaut and Bader, ; Thibault, Overexpression of Miro decreases the rough eye phenotype associated Analyssi AD model flies.

Atwood Debtors Prism Analysis

The knockdown of Miro enhances the rough eye phenotype associated with AD model flies. The yellow marked area showing the degenerated part of the eye.]

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