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Assignment 1.1 Describe Common Physical Network Topologies

Assignment 1.1 Describe Common Physical Network Topologies - you tell

Again, the prescriber must consider the kind of sleep defect being treated and select a drug with the appropriate onset and half-life. Third-Line Therapy The practitioner should reassess the insomnia situation for patients who fail to respond to both first- and second-line therapies. Insomnia that has become chronic benefits most from continual evaluation and behavioral therapy along with the smallest dose possible of hypnotic medication. An antidepressant may play a key role at this level. Special Population Considerations Pediatric Use of barbiturates in the pediatric population is usually limited to those who have seizure disorders. Caution is necessary when very young patients use antihistamines because of potential delirium or paradoxical excitation.

This ever-changing online world has given way for new forms and adaptions of previously used advertising vehicles, including celebrity endorsements.

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Therefore, as traditional advertising has lost its impact with Millennial consumers Newmanbrands are moving towards a relatively new phenomenon in advertising, influencer marketing. Today, it is near impossible to scroll an Instagram feed without encountering influencer marketing.

Assignment 1.1 Describe Common Physical Network Topologies

These social media influencers are the new age celebrities and were born from the blogging trend, heavily present in Ireland over the last 5 years. At his talk at 3XE in Dublin this year, Kenny explained that Irish social media influencers command more power than in other countries, because as a small country, we have very few A-list celebrities.

Due to the recent emergence of social media influencers in the Irish advertising industry, their power and effectiveness as an advertising source has not been thoroughly investigated academically.

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Therefore, this study seeks to explore and understand how brands in the beauty industry can best D utilise this type of brand ambassador in advertising campaigns by building an of consumers view of the source. The aim of this study was to build an understanding of the impact of social media influencers for brands in the beauty industry and to provide insight in to how they could be best utilised as an advertising source.

To assess the importance of engagement between a social media influencer and female Millennial consumers. To successfully address these objectives, this study used the appropriate qualitative technique of in-depth interviews with seven female Millennial consumers with similar interests in beauty and social media influencers.

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Common themes emerged both during the exploration of the relevant literature Till and Busler ; Goldsmith et al. The read more of this study were derived through thematic analysis and resulted in core themes emerging such as Life Online, Trust, Fit, Assignkent and Collaborations. The findings have provided valuable, meaningful and insightful information for beauty brands as outlined below: a Social media influencer relatability and trustworthiness proved to be of utmost importance for the female Millennial consumers in this study. This study does however indicate the potential for brands to work with influencers in order to make a sponsored message more effective to the target audience. The future of this topic could be explored in different countries, particularly European Commin such as the U.

K, Italy and France. Social media influencers are popular in these European countries, yet their culture is different to Ireland and therefore, may provide different viewpoints and opinions for brands on a European level.

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A larger study encompassing both male and female views on influencers might also provide useful business knowledge. The context will be provided firstly by building an understanding of Millennials and their relationship with the evolving area Assignment 1.1 Describe Common Physical Network Topologies marketing communications. This is followed by a brief review of other related areas such as social media, E word of mouth, stealth marketing and product placement, in relation to Millennials. Social media influencers are a recent addition to the field of advertising; therefore, the available literature is limited. However, recent publications in relation to social media influencer product-match-up, influencer marketing impact and attractiveness will be analysed. In order to build an enhanced understanding of other influential sources which are by nature comparable to that of social media influencers, this study will examine celebrity endorsement literature in the areas of credibility, brand-fit and attractiveness; it aims to provide an overview of current knowledge, highlight common themes and identify major gaps.

Assignment 1.1 Describe Common Physical Network Topologies

This will provide a useful perspective in addressing the research question relating to the impact of social media influencers on millennials. Millennials have been found to hold a stronger interest and interaction with social media influencers in comparison to other generations Moore According to Maoz, in Therefore, female Millennials as consumers will be the key focus of this study. From work to dating, technology is embedded in the daily lives of Millennials Moore and therefore, they are generally viewed as digital natives. They are the generation who grew with the internet and pushed boundaries online through Assignment 1.1 Describe Common Physical Network Topologies passion to seek connections, experiences and meaningful relationships with brands Hurst Millennials are empowered consumers, who seek collaboration when it comes to digital advertising Serazio ]

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