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Anzac Legend Research Paper Anzac Legend Research Paper.

Spectators wave Australian flags on Anzac Day in Sydney - AAP 1 of 1 Ordinary Australians made Anzac Day what it is and public opinion will probably determine its demise sooner rather than later, according to one of the country's leading war historians.

Anzac Legend Research Paper

Professor Robin Prior's stark assessment of the future of our unofficial national day matches research showing fewer Australians intend going to a ceremony or march this Anzac Legend Research Paper 25, and a growing number believe the Anzac story is losing its relevance. Fifty-eight per cent of Australians are likely to attend an Anzac Day event this year, according to the results of a poll conducted by Pollinate and 50 Acres, exclusively for AAP. Asked if they'd previously gone along to show their support, 72 per cent said they had.

Anzac Legend Research Paper

South Australians are less keen to participate this year than people in other states and territories, with 44 per cent expected to turn up. Victorians are Pwper more enthused, with 49 per cent planning to go, while Queensland 66 per cent and NSW numbers 63 per cent are also expected to be down on past years.

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The survey of more than a thousand people found that while almost all agree Anzac Day is well respected, a third hold the view that its significance is being forgotten. It's a belief apparently held more strongly among rural communities 37 per cent and women 36 per cent. It's been a very long time now since let alone That figure, though, I would have thought, does not bode Researdh for Anzac Day.]

Anzac Legend Research Paper

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