Anti Terrorism In Australia - Custom Academic Help

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The Sydney Hilton bombing on 13 February was the catalyst for the Commonwealth Government to initiate an urgent review of security procedures to combat the threat of international terrorism. The anti-terrorist agencies the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation were placed on heightened alert and a Protective Security Coordination Centre was established. The Prime Minister proposed the establishment of a Standing Advisory Committee on Commonwealth State Cooperation for Protection against Violence, which would be primarily responsible for the coordination and funding of various organisations involved. He also directed that police forces around Australia absorb the counter-terrorist role. However, a study by Sir Robert Mark , at that time recently retired from the London Metropolitan Police , concluded that this was a task for 'sophisticated soldiery' and should not be given to the police but rather to the Army. Sir Robert's advice was further strengthened by the Ironbark Report, written by Colonel John Essex-Clark, in which he advised the urgent formation of a special counter-terrorist force within the Army. In August , it was proposed to allocate the task of raising, training and sustaining the counter-terrorist force to the Special Air Service Regiment to follow similar lines from the British Army with their counter-terrorist team from within their SAS. The tasks allocated to the group included: The neutralisation, including capture, of terrorist groups, which might include snipers, hijackers, kidnappers, bombers or assassins, and the neutralisation of aircraft or ships; The recovery of hostages and property held by terrorists; and The recovery of buildings and installations held by terrorists.

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Mock terror exercise tests Sydney police

Anti Terrorism In Australia - something

Money laundering is the common denominator of almost all serious and organised criminal activity. Money laundering and counter terrorism financing is linked to modern slavery, and these are all serious issues Course overview This online course on anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing will help employees, contractors and volunteers understand what money laundering and terrorism financing is, how these activities take place, and what you should do if you suspect money laundering or terrorism financing. This online anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing course is legally compliant and kept up to date with legislation for all states and territories in Australia and has been written in partnership with Mills Oakley Law Firm for Australia. Course target audience This anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing training is suitable for all people or groups including employees, contractors and volunteers. The following topics are covered in this anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing online learning: What is money laundering? How does money laundering take place? Identify potential money laundering activity What is terrorism financing? Anti Terrorism In Australia

Did you know these facts about money laundering and terrorism financing?

Obama, Australian PM discussed Australiq up pressure on ISIS Australia's parliament has passed legislation to strip dual nationals of their citizenship if they are convicted of terrorism offences or found to have fought with banned groups overseas, despite concerns about deporting jihadists. Attorney-General George Brandis said the Australian Citizenship Amendment Allegiance to Australia Bill, passed late Thursday, updated existing law to reflect "the Anti Terrorism In Australia age of terrorism".

Canberra has been increasingly concerned about the flow of fighters to Iraq and Syria to join extremist groups such as Islamic State, with some Australians currently fighting in the region. As many as 45 have died in the conflict. The Attorney-General said the new laws, which will not render individuals stateless, will in "very limited circumstances".

They cover people who engage in terrorist acts, including training, recruitment and finance, and are convicted of a terrorist offence and sentenced to at least six years in jail. Those who fight for a declared terrorist group also automatically lose their citizenship. The legislation, which has Anti Terrorism In Australia Labor Party backing, raised concerns in Trerorism Senate about the possibility of those deported committing further acts once overseas.

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But Brandis told the chamber that such people would be placed "into the hands of the government of the other nation Anti Terrorism In Australia Ausrtalia they are dual citizens". Civil libertarians have also criticised the law as not only unnecessary, but for creating "two tiers of citizenship" -- those who can have their Australian citizenship revoked because they are dual nationals and those who cannot.

It will support those who want to divide us rather than to unite us. Search Keywords:.]

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