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Abstinence Meeting Reflection Abstinence Meeting Reflection

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Recovery During their ugliest, most severe, and worst stage of their addiction, the start of their recovery is invisible to everyone else. The nascent recovery within them perhaps nothing more than a simple moment of clarity seems to have its own voice and is already speaking to them.

Abstinence Meeting Reflection

Later, that suffering person speaks to others about their recovery. Not yet. What might some consequences be? Perhaps the one still suffering who has recovery inside picks up a hint of that denigration almost like they can smell the judgment in the spaces between the words they hear. And then that person retreats to stay in the shadows.

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And perhaps they are lost to an early death. Or simply lose years of their life existing inside a tornado of a continued pattern of reckless use. At their most mature-looking and best height of their false, inauthentic, and carefully manufactured persona that is a mere replica of full recovery and might be taking place during years or decades of continuous abstinence their addiction is invisible to everyone else. They are not sharing vulnerably. They are not giving or receiving from their Abstinence Meeting Reflection of need and vulnerability. Perhaps years into this dynamic they violate their abstinence with 4 fingers of fine scotch and then end their own life with a firearm.

Or perhaps they merely lose years of their life by living inside a hall of mirrors, and keeping up appearances. But all the while, by all appearances, they are seemingly in the best functioning of their life, connected and re-connected, while focusing on service and giving back. But click here comes before pre-contemplation? And the kind of process that would produce the level of closure we find in active, full addiction illness tells us something.

It tells us that there was a person inside who lived through the experience of their own slow process of closure. To me, that person is still inside there. And further, that process of closure might even plant or hold seeds of recovery.

How so? The memories or voice of a real-self, or Abstinence Meeting Reflection ecology that was lived in before the process of closure gained momentum, and the lived experience of the process of their own slow closure, might be a form of recovery capital.

That Abstinence Meeting Reflection to say, those memories might be a point of contrast still inside the person, even at their eventual worst. Have we ever met someone in the years during which they were experiencing slow and progressive closure?

Should addiction professionals advise such a person that they should do more research and continue to use?

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Does that person deserve their seeming self-imposed fate as a recovery orphan? This is the phase of addiction recovery where sustaining the positive determination and action that produced recovery and initially sustained it becomes internalized and takes less effort to keep.

Abstinence Meeting Reflection

But what comes after maintenance?]

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