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Mycorrhiza co-association with Aspilia pluriseta Schweif. A greenhouse experiment was conducted at the University of Embu to evaluate effect of Aspilia pluriseta rhizosphere mycorrhiza on phosphorus uptake by gadam sorghum. Pots were filled with soil from a predetermined source in the semi-arid Gakurungu, Tunyai and Kanyuambora regions Author s : Muchoka J. A Rat In The Savanna Analysis.

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A Rat In The Savanna Analysis The Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) is a large crocodilian native to freshwater habitats in Africa, where it is present in 26 countries. Due to its widespread occurrence and stable population trend, it has been listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List since It is widely distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa, occurring mostly in the central, eastern, and southern regions of Class: Reptilia. 2 days ago · Still the rats could tell. Then he thought maybe the rats were smelling the food, so he used chemicals to change the smell after each run. Still the rats could tell. Then he realized the rats might be able to tell by seeing the lights and the arrangement in the laboratory like any commonsense person. 3 days ago · by humans refer at least to one of the three types of species diversity from ENVR S at Harvard University.
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A Rat In The Savanna Analysis

A Rat In The Savanna Analysis - share your

Implications of plant cover in the structure of a clayey oxisol under no-tillage 12 June Knowledge of indicators of soil physical quality is of paramount importance for better understanding of soil-plant relationships. These indicators include the bulk density and soil resistance to penetration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of four cover crop species in the process of reducing the soil density and its resistance to penetration in areas managed under no-tillage system.

Hence, it may portend high risk of toxicosis. In view of this, phytochemical screening and toxicological effects of aqueous stem bark extract of the plant was studied in wistar albino rats. Qualitative screening of the stem bark extract revealed the presence of alkaloid, hydrolysable tannin, saponin, glycoside, cardiac glycoside, saponin glycoside and anthraquinone glycoside.

A Rat In The Savanna Analysis

Quantitative screening revealed 4. A mild periportal and perivascular lymphocytic infiltrations of the liver and moderate focal lymphocytic infiltration of the menninges focal nonsupurative meningitis which are suggestive of mild toxicity of A. Key words: Toxicity; Amblygonocarpus andongensis, phytochemicals, stem bark, brain, liver, rat. The flower is white or yellow, fragrant, paired with dense axillary Eduardo et al.

It has small calyx and pod is tetragonal and glossy Shahina, It is widely spread in tropical Africa and usually found in moist and sandy habitats Exell and Torre, Roger also reported the plant to be an economic tree that can be found in the west central Africa. Paul et al. Osemeobo and Ujor also reported Savqnna presence of this tree in Nigeria and particularly in the Northern part of the country. The tree was described to have clear potential therapeutic and economic values Paul et al.

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It has activities against venomous stings, bites, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, pulmonary problems and fish poisons Burkill, The plant has long-standing history of antipsychotic effect reported in wistar albino rats. The plant was reported to be mildly toxic in rats, caused weight loss and reduced mortality caused by amphetamine in wistar rats Ebbo et al.

A Rat In The Savanna Analysis

The plant showed dose dependent potential antiosychotic effect in Wistar rats Ebbo et al. In spite of all these claims, there is no documentation on phytochemical analysis, haematogical and biochemical effects of A. This is because traditional medicine in Africa is not codified but verbally passed Analyssis apprehentice as folk A Rat In The Savanna Analysis Ohaeri, Preparation of aqueous extract Stem barks of the plant were obtained, dried under shade to a constant weight and pounded into fine powder using pestle and mortar. One hundred gram of the pulverized bark of A. Phytochemical analyses Phytochemical analyses of the plant were carried out using aqueous bark extract of A. Laboratory animal care was provided to the animals according to the NIH guidelines and procedures were followed in this study as directed by the Department of Pharmacology, College of Health Sciences, Usman Danfodiyo University Sokoto and approved by research ethics committee.

A Rat In The Savanna Analysis

Sub chronic administration of aqueous extract The rats of either sex weighing The control rats were administered water only. Haematology Blood sample 0.

Full blood cells count was done using the method of Baker Brain, Ssvanna, liver, heart and skeletal muscle harvested from each rat under the effect of anaesthetic ether for histopathology Rivera et al. Biochemistry Another blood sample 2. Total protein was determined using biuret method Tietz, Albumin was determined using bromocresol link method Doumas But conjugated bilirubin and total bilirubin were determined using the method of Jendrassik and Grof ]

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