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United Federation of Planets Essays

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Coon was hired by Gene Roddenberry as a writer for Star Trek. Eventually, with the series as allegory for the current events of the s counterculture , [4] placing great emphasis on an anti-war message and depicting the United Federation of Planets, a vast interstellar alliance founded on the enlightened principles of liberty, equality, justice, progress, and peaceful co-existence, as an idealistic version of the United Nations. Many contemporary terms are assigned to the Federation, but parallels to current government bodies and their roles and responsibilities are pure speculation on the part of fans and critics. The Federation Council is made up of delegates from member sovereignties. Risa is often affiliated with the Federation, but has never been explicitly confirmed as a Federation member, and no Risians have been shown serving in Starfleet. Neither the planet Cait nor the Caitians, originally seen in the animated series, have been mentioned by name in any canon sources, but catlike aliens appeared as Federation members at Kirk's court-martial in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. In , Captain Kirk said that humanity was on "a thousand planets and spreading out. In The Search for Spock , in , an earthbound McCoy tries to book transport to the Genesis planet and is warned it could be expensive, but it is never revealed how much it would cost. First mention of the Federation's obsolescence of traditional money came in The Voyage Home when Kirk, freshly arrived in s San Francisco from , observes that "these people still use money" and, when asked if his crew uses cash in the future, answers, "We don't. United Federation of Planets Essays United Federation of Planets Essays

Starfleet is their exploration and defensive arm, and every Star Trek series thus far has centered around its members. Roddenberry spoke of the Federation as an idealized version of the United Nations, dedicated to propositions of liberty, equality, enlightenment and civilized resolution of conflict.

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That itself was personified in the crew of the Enterprise, which included humans from all over the United Federation of Planets Essays and in the case of Uhura and Sulu, helped shatter representative norms at the o. But despite it being a focal point of the franchise, the Federation's origins didn't get explored until Star Trek: Enterprise. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. It took Star Trek: Enterprise to spell out article source specifics, and its plans were unfortunately truncated by the untimely cancellation of the show. Now, Season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery -- which depicts the reforging of a shattered Federation in the 32nd century -- has sparked a renewed interest among fans around the founding of the fictional government. Humanity's inherent self-destructiveness changed with the events of Star Trek: First Contact.

United Federation of Planets Essays

The show portrayed the era as wild and chaotic, with the Vulcans less than ideal guides for humanity and other forces like the Andorians with legitimate grievances. Captain Archer played an instrumental role in finding a path through those early conflicts, turning the Andorians from enemies to reluctant allies and aiding the Vulcans in reforming their compromised government. External threats required a unified front from these nascent allies, including the Xindi, the Klingons and most notably, the Romulans. Again, Captain Archer prevented their plots from succeeding, which resulted in a Coalition of Planets forming in The Romulans went to war with the newly forged alliance but were defeated inleading to http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/stamps/tadashi-yanai-essays.php creation of the infamous Neutral Zone and transforming the Coalition of Planets into the United Federation.

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Star Trek often presented the fallout of the formation of the Federation as argumentative, and that was the point. Nearby empires like the Romulans and Klingons are dominated by a single species who maintain control via some form of dictatorship. The Cardassians and Dominion operate the same way, while the Borg quite erase all individual characteristics of the United Federation of Planets Essays they enslave. The Federation is alone in treating its members as equals, and its founding principles reflect a respect for every culture and point of view beneath them. Its contentious periods are in keeping with that notion, as is the idea that, collectively, they can face far greater threats than any individual planet would by itself.]

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