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Understanding Child Reading

Something: Understanding Child Reading

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THE UNDERDOGS: THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION Apr 12,  · North Carolina, we need a common understanding of what the “science of reading” really means. In the past week, much has been written and said in reaction to the reference to science of reading in the Excellent Public Schools Act of We’ve heard it called a phonics-based approach, a program, and even the victor in a long-running battle. 15 hours ago · Today’s topic: Understanding a child’s temperament. Child experts say every child is born with his or her own individual way of approaching the world — also known as “temperament.”. 6 days ago · Merely reading the words on the page isn’t enough—a child must understand what they’re reading. If your child doesn’t understand the story’s message, consider how to build a child’s reading comprehension. It’s important to develop reading comprehension early because it affects many other areas of their learning.
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Understanding Child Reading

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Reading problems plague many a young child who is struggling to learn at school. Childhood reading problems come in many guises. Some children show difficulties with phonological awareness. These children will show decoding problems, problems positioning sounds and breaking down and segmenting words. Others will show difficulty with sight word recognition, such as remembering the visual-spatial template of the word. They may also show problems with visual perception and discrimination, and dealing with letters, their shape and directionality.

Skipping Words While Reading

If a child struggles with reading, they might struggle in other areas of their learning as well. Skipping Words While Reading When considering how to know if your child is struggling with reading, start by watching them read aloud. If you notice your child doing this, stop reading and go over the word.

Inability To Remember Words The inability to remember words is Understanding Child Reading indication that your child is struggling with reading.

Understanding Child Reading

For example, many children learn sight words when they learn to read. These are words they essentially memorize, so they know the word right when they see it. If your child is having trouble remembering sight words, they might be struggling with reading.

Understanding Child Reading

If your child must sound out this word each time, they might be struggling to remember words. Consider using flash cards to practice words your child is struggling with. Difficulty With Reading Comprehension Reading comprehension is another important aspect of reading.

Understanding Child Reading

Fortunately, there are things you can do to help build this skill. Post Views: ]

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