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Tribal secrets : recovering American Indian intellectual traditions

Tribal secrets : recovering American Indian intellectual traditions Video

A Native American Tribe Is Using Traditional Culture To Fight Addiction

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In bringing these two thinkers together, the book lays the groundwork for a discussion of several crucial issues in contemporary American Indian critical studies: 1 the extent to which various conceptual and analytical categories currently available in American Indian scholarship provide an adequate framework for a mature Native cultural and literary criticism; 2 the impact of increasing awareness of and engagement with American Indian writers of earlier periods on the way that contemporary Native intellectuals develop Indian critical studies; 3 how construing the field in terms of intellectual history rather than literary or generic history changes the critical landscape; and 4 the extent of Native intellectuals' responsibility for addressing such issues as economic and social class, gender, and sexual orientation within Indian life. Examining the works of Deloria and Mathews provides a means to identify how contemporary American Indian intellectual discourse can confront the challenges of the present and future. Tribal secrets : recovering American Indian intellectual traditions

Some of it is sheer hucksterism, and a lot of it qualifies as criminal fraud. At the top of that list of science frauds is, of, vaccines. Shockingly, outright admissions of a complete lack of scientific testing of the efficacy of such vaccines is admitted on their insert sheets.


These are not scientists at all… they are con artists and criminals — like Poul Thorsen, a fugitive from justice who was once a CDC researcher — pretending to be scientists. Such questions are based on reason and rationality. It is a kind of religious fervor put on by deranged zealots who claim an intellectual monopoly over all things related to vaccines.

Their belief is so strong that it outweighs all evidence contrary to their current beliefs. Meanwhile, people who have suppressed immune systems and are therefore extremely vulnerable to infections in the wild also happen to have extremely poor and sometimes completely nullified responses to vaccines.

Tribal secrets : recovering American Indian intellectual traditions

While this may help some people, it also carries a very real risk of causing inflammatory damage to the neurology of some children who receive these vaccines. The results, as borne out by the vaccine adverse events databases and Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, is a growing number of children who are maimed, neurological damaged, put into comas or even killed by vaccines.

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Zealotous hate-bloggers like Doctor David Gorski — a psychopathic, mentally ill vaccine promoter who also carries out cancer surgery on African-American victims in Detroit — characterize the skeptics cult, a cabal of mentally deranged lunatics and gay fetish seekers like James Randi who was caught on tape soliciting sexual favours secrete a young man. Richard Dawkins, for his part, is also an anti-consciousness cultist who believes in the irrational here that no other humans on this planet are conscious beings other than himself.

Tribal secrets : recovering American Indian intellectual traditions

Everybody else, he claims, is an unconscious biological robot suffering under the illusion of self awareness. Meet three real scientists we need to empower to ask more questions of the scientific establishment What kind of people do we really need to see more of in the realm of scientific skepticism? This recoverring challenges the seven false assumptions of modern medicine. Another extraordinary scientist who deserves our support is Dr. The other thing we need, quite frankly, is independent scientists like myself who are Tribal secrets : recovering American Indian intellectual traditions cutting edge, truly independent science, without any financial ties to governments, corporations or academia. My science lab, which has passed ISO accreditation audit, is free to pursue precisely the kind of scientific analysis of food and medicine that is blackballed or censored in the government-funded scientific community.

Such research is simply not allowed by the cult of scientism the vaccine zealots because they depend on widespread ignorance of vaccine Amfrican to continue parlaying their fraudulent lies about vaccine safety.

They Took Us Away

I honor scientists who pursue a rigorous process of critical thinking… and I disagree obedient status quo cultists John Horgan might not yet be aware of the full story on vaccines, so he might disagree with me on such conclusions. In fact, I honor those who vehemently disagree with me as long as they are following a process of authentic inquiry and open-minded skepticism.

Tribal secrets : recovering American Indian intellectual traditions

Tyson, like Dawkins, is a cultist. And we have much more to learn… many more scientific discoveries to make in the years ahead. Or mothers having a seemingly intuitive emotional connection to their children even when separated by distance?]

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