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Traditional Family Structures Traditional Family Structures

An African American family, photographed between According to data extracted from U. Census manuscripts, compared to white women, black women were more likely to become teenage mothers, stay single and have marriage instability, and were thus much more likely to live in female-headed single-parent homes.

Traditional Family Structures

Census reports reveal that between andmarried households consisting of two-parent homes were the most widespread form of African-American family structures. Single-parent homes, on the other hand, remained relatively stable Tradtiional ; when they rose dramatically. Census data from reveal that more African-American families consisted of single mothers than married households with both parents.

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Billingsley's research found that the extended family structure is predominantly in the segmented I sub-structured families. This structure also has the incipient, simple, segmented I, and segmented II sub-structures. This non-family household contains no relatives. Franklin Frazier has described the current African-American family structure as having two models, one in which the father is viewed as a patriarch and the sole breadwinner, and one where the mother Traditional Family Structures on a matriarchal role in the place of a fragmented household.

Quaylan Allan suggests that the continuous comparison of white hegemonic masculinity to black manhood, can also add a negative effect on the presence of the father in the African-American family structure [42] Mother representative[ edit ] Melvin Wilson suggests that in the African-American family structure a mother's role is determined by her relationship status, is she single mother or a married mother?

Traditional Family Structures full-time job of household responsibilities is often the second job that an African-American woman takes on.

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Wilson also notes that this responsibility that the mother has in the married family determines the life satisfaction of the family as a whole. According to Brown, this lack of a second party income has resulted in the majority of African American children raised in single mother households having a poor upbringing. Spencer's research also concludes that African-American Traditional Family Structures have become subject to inconsistencies in society based on their skin color.

According to Jones, the reason these extended family members Michael Jackson included in having a necessary role in the family is because they play a key role in assuring the health and well-being of the children.

Traditional Family Structures

Some researchers theorize that the low economic statuses of the newly freed slaves in led to the current family structure for African Americans. These researchers suggest that extreme poverty has increased the destabilization of African American families while others point to high female labor participation, few job opportunities for black Traditional Family Structures, and small differences between wages for men and Famkly that have decreased marriage stability for black families. These rules were later abolished when the Supreme Court ruled against these exclusions in the case Traditional Family Structures King vs Smith.

Rather, in an census, there was a positive relationship between the number of black single-parent homes and per-capita county wealth.]

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