To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Writing Style - Custom Academic Help

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To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Writing Style - sorry, not

In To Kill a Mockingbird, mostly everyone is represented by an animal, but my teacher says Atticus i Published by at Uncategorized Tags In To Kill a Mockingbird, mostly everyone is represented by an animal, but my teacher says Atticus is represented by a non animal? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount! We Can Help! Contact me if you need custom WordPress plugins or website design. Share this:. To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Writing Style To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Writing Style

Contact The Four Throughlines in To Kill A Mockingbird There are four throughlines that must be explored in every story for it to feel to readers or audience that the underlying issues have been fully examined and the message completely supported.

To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Writing Style

Throughline 1: The Objective Story The Objective Story is the big picture — the situations and activities in which all the characters are involved. In To Kill A Mockingbird the Objective Story Throughline explores prejudice in a small s southern town where Tom Robinson, a black man, is accused of raping a white girl.

To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Writing Style

Though he is being brought to trial, many of the town folk think this case should never see trial and the defendant should just be lynched. The father of the ostensibly-raped girl, Bob Ewell, leads a mob to murder Tom Robinson, but Atticus stands firm Mockingbitd them. This conflict over the goal of getting Robinson a fair trial makes Atticus the protagonist of the story and Bob Ewell the Antagonist.

To Kill A Mockingbird Argumentative Essay

Throughline 2: The Main Character The Main Character is the one we identify with: the one whom the story seems to be about at a personal level. It is partly because we stand in her shoes that makes her the Main Character.

To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Writing Style

here But also, the main character is the one who must grapple with some Mockingburd issue, like Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. Though the story is about the trial and about prejudice, neither Atticus nor Ewell ever come to a point where they question or even change their beliefs. One will be forced by their interactions to grow even more steadfast their their beliefs. The other will be pressured by that steadfastness ultimately to change and adopt the outlook of the other.]

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