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Weld Antonyms

Essay Examples An Unknown Hero An Essay on Theodore Dwight Weld From throughduring the formative years of the American abolitionist movement, many arose as leaders in the fight for freedom. Author, editor, and auditor, Theodore Dwight Weld, was one of the leading framers of this movement.

Many historians regard Weld as the most influential figure in the abolitionist movement. Despite his great works, Weld strove for anonymity in all his endeavors. This has long made him an unknown figure in American history.

Theodore Dwight Weld Essays

Weld, born in in Theodorre, Connecticut, was the son and grandson of Congregational At the age of fourteen he began earning money to attend Phillips Academy. He continued his studies here until failing eyesight caused him to drop his courses in Following his attendance at Phillips Academy, Weld began a lecture series on mnemonics.

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He traveled for three years throughout the Dwjght States, including the South where he saw slavery firsthand. Here Weld became a disciple of Charles Finney. Finney was best known as an innovative revivalist, an opponent of Old School Presbyterian theology, an advocate of Christian perfectionism, a pioneer in social reforms in favor of women and blacks, a religious writer, and president at Oberlin College. It left no excuse for sin; it emphasizes present Theodore Dwight Weld Essays it exalted the atonement of Christ; and it magnified the work of the Holy Spirit.

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There, he would travel in two-week intervals about New York, lecturing on the virtues of manual labor, temperance, and moral reform. The Tappan brothers devoted their time Theodore Dwight Weld Essays money to causes such as temperance, the abolition of slavery, and the establishment of theological seminaries. En route, he made public addresses. Pastor, Lyman Beecher moved his family to Cincinnati to become the first president of the Lane Seminary. The Seminary was founded during a time of rising social, political and religious conflict. Weld was an advocate of immediate emancipation, despite the fact that the Seminary had its own colonization society, which proposed to send slaves back to Africa.

Theodore Dwight Weld Essays

Weld convinced nearly every student of his beliefs over a period of months. This led to a debate that pned across eighteen days over the appropriate solution to slavery. This lack of education would lead to a increase in violence and criminal activity. Members of the American Anti-slavery Society refuted these arguments with the first hand testimony of, the newly emancipated, James Bradley. Bradley was stolen from Africa when as a baby, and sold into slavery to his master, who lived in Arkansas. For years, he managed the plantation for his mistress. All the while, Bradley was money to buy his freedom. Once free, Bradley became well-respected member article source the American Anti-slavery Society. The group also pledged to help the free blacks in Cincinnati. Consequently, the board of directory at Lane Theological Theodore Dwight Weld Essays banned further discussion of slavery.

In rebellion, eighty percent of the students left the Seminary.]

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