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Consider: Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein

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Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein 227
Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein. Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein

Family, Friendship, and Home Themes and Colors LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Frankenstein in Baghdad, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Frankenstein in Baghdad describes the dynamics of Frqnkenstein violence—conflict between different religious groups—in Baghdad, in the period preceding the Iraqi Civil War After the U.

Three groups vie for power in Baghdad: the Islamist Iraqi Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein, allied with the U. In light of this political context, Frankenstein in Baghdad illustrates the ease with Abandoonment people can turn against each other on the basis of group identity. As the Whatsitsname experiences after eliciting a group following, it is easy to foster divisions among social groups, to the point of sparking armed violence.

In this context, although some people succeed in taking advantage of chaos for personal gain, the novel suggests that most people are victims: innocent citizens whose lives are ruled by fear and hatred. The only solution to such severe Human Condition Analysis, the novel suggests, is for people to overcome fear of the other and to recognize the value of their common heritage, in its full, religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity.

Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein

These reactions also help explain the emergence of sectarian violence. This event symbolizes the sectarian conflict taking place in Iraq, where three different groups are busy killing each other because of divergences in religious and political beliefs. At the same time, some people take advantage of this situation of lawlessness, turning chaos into personal profit. Some characters, like Faraj the realter, capitalize on the political instability for their own economic gain. Faraj appropriates houses that people have abandoned after fleeing violence.

Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein

The absence of the rule of law benefits him, allowing him to pursue his own interests without worrying about legal sanctions. In turn, people such as Brigadier Majid and the editor Saidi modify their political and religious allegiances as a function of changing circumstances. Despite being a member the former Baathist regime, Brigadier Majid is Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein allied with the Americans.

Similarly, Saidi maintains a large network of contacts, including American officials, despite claiming to be opposed to the American presence in Iraq. Neither man is committed to stable ideological principles. Rather, they link willing to collaborate with anyone currently in power—whether the Baathist, the Americans, or a future Iraqi government—in order to promote their personal career.

Power, Authority, and Social Divisions ThemeTracker

In addition, some groups not only benefit from lawlessness, but also promote it. According to Saidi, the American Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein in Iraq seeks to create enough chaos among Shia and Sunni militias to hold onto power. In this context of political and economic rivalries, putting an end to these divisions involves eradicating fear and celebrating cultural diversity as a common heritage, a source of strength instead of hatred. One day, dozens of people die on the Imams Bridge because rumors about the presence of a suicide bomber caused people to panic.

Commenting on this tragic event, journalist Farid Shawwaf argues that the root of violence in Iraq is fear. Only by eradicating fear—for example, the fear and hatred that leads people to kill those who do not agree with their vision of religion or politics—will it be possible to build a new, more peaceful country. Some symbolic events provide a ray of hope in this bleak environment, highlighting the possibility of peaceful coexistence.

Frankenstein in Baghdad

Beneath religious differences and violent conflict lies a common heritage, buried under the violent divisions destroying the country. The novel thus suggests that Iraqi citizens should reclaim their common heritage and seek to live in harmony with each other, Frankenxtein of their religious identity. However, it also concludes that this is unlikely to happen any time soon, because everyone is too busy protecting themselves from bloodshed and destruction.

Theme Of Abandonment In Frankenstein

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