The Use Of Epidemic In Malcolm Gladwells The Tipping Point - Custom Academic Help

The Use Of Epidemic In Malcolm Gladwells The Tipping Point Video

The Tipping Point - Animated Summary by Malcolm Gladwell The Use Of Epidemic In Malcolm Gladwells The Tipping Point

Although Gladwell shared many insights last week, I think his biggest contribution to the audience was this: He made us hopeful despite unsettling national and global events of recent years. Gladwell reassured his audience that America will get through this period of adjustment, and he did so by pointing to American history and sharing a story of an unlikely hero by the name of Alva Belmont. Miss Belmont married William Vanderbilt in the late s at a time in our country when a woman could not do a single thing outside the home—even one as Gladwell as Alva came to be once she married into the Vanderbilt family.

Tipping Point Analysis

Gladwell noted the importance of legitimacy in his talk and identified three conditions that legitimacy requires: respect, fairness, and trustworthiness. He pointed to differences in rates of tax evasion as an example of variations in perceptions of legitimacy.

The Use Of Epidemic In Malcolm Gladwells The Tipping Point

He noted that U. In the U. Eventually we find a way to adjust to technology. The trend may have started due to a scarcity of telephone lines, but he said the industry continued pushing the phone as business only.

The Use Of Epidemic In Malcolm Gladwells The Tipping Point

Just like the telephone, eventually people will figure out how best to use social media for the betterment of society. Post navigation.]

The Use Of Epidemic In Malcolm Gladwells The Tipping Point

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