The Parthenon And The Pantheon Of Rome - Custom Academic Help

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Pantheon of Rome. Mystery of ancient Roman architecture in 3D

The Parthenon And The Pantheon Of Rome - valuable information

Green holds that the Parthenon was the room in which the peplos presented to Athena at the Panathenaic Festival was woven by the arrephoroi , a group of four young girls chosen to serve Athena each year. Archaeologist Joan Breton Connelly has recently argued for the coherency of the Parthenon's sculptural program in presenting a succession of genealogical narratives that track Athenian identity back through the ages: from the birth of Athena, through cosmic and epic battles, to the final great event of the Athenian Bronze Age , the war of Erechtheus and Eumolpos. They include: J. The first endeavor to build a sanctuary for Athena Parthenos on the site of the present Parthenon was begun shortly after the Battle of Marathon c. This building replaced a Hekatompedon temple "hundred-footer" and would have stood beside the archaic temple dedicated to Athena Polias "of the city". The Older or Pre-Parthenon , as it is frequently referred to, was still under construction when the Persians sacked the city in BC and razed the Acropolis. Further physical evidence of this structure was revealed with the excavations of Panagiotis Kavvadias of — The Parthenon And The Pantheon Of Rome

The Parthenon And The Pantheon Of Rome - does not


The Golden Age Of Greece Essay

Parthenon And Pantheon Analysis Words3 Pages When the Romans invaded Greece, they returned with an admiration of their art, culture, and architecture. When you look at the Greek Parthenon and the Roman Pantheon, it is evident that the Romans took a lot of ideas from Greek designers.

The Parthenon And The Pantheon Of Rome

However, they also added their innovations and designs. Though the Parthenon is now a ruin, it was built in part due to Pericles within the years and BCE and was used as a temple to honor the goddess, Athena.

Greece and Rome through 1800 B.C. to 476 A.D. Essay

Immediately, the similarities you can notice is the columns that surround the temple. While the Parthenon has Doric columns, the Pantheon is held up by the more ornate, Corinthian columns. Additionally, on the outside, you can see relief carvings on the pediments, whereas the Pantheon only has a more practical phrase in Latin, "Built by Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, consul for the third time. One large difference between the two structures is that the Pantheon has a large rotunda.

The Parthenon And The Pantheon Of Rome

On the outside, there isn't much to distinguish the temple from others, however, inside the rotunda, it is an amazing work of architecture and art. Almost everything was covered in bronze, from the double doors to the ceiling panels.

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Even the dome itself is an incredible work of art. Like the Parthenon, it is believed the Pantheon was used as a temple. Though as Cartwright explains, it might have another use, " It seems like a place made for royalty more than common.]

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