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The Importance Of Vaccination Video

The Importance of Vaccinations The Importance Of Vaccination The Importance Of Vaccination

Igor Karpov delved into characteristic features of the mass vaccination of the population in Belarus.

The Importance Of Vaccination

First of all, Belarus was quick to join the COVID vaccine trials and launch the production of vaccines in the country. Its intention to start mass vaccinations as soon as possible is also noteworthy.

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Apart from healthcare workers and teachers, it is important to administer vaccines to as many elderly people as possible at the start of the vaccination campaign, Igor Karpov believes. The elderly need a special approach.

The Importance Of Vaccination

They have many worries: what if they run a temperature afterwards, or something like this. On the one hand, there can be a certain reaction in some cases, but there are no severe consequences. Igor Karpov has already received a shot of the Sputnik V vaccine. According to him, the Chinese jab is also great and causes a hyperthermic reaction less often than Sputnik V. Igor Karpov recalled the disruption in vaccinations in the Soviet Union in the late s.

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It has become a textbook example of the risks of not getting a vaccine against diphtheria. Only vaccinations helped deal with the consequences. Igor Karpov expressed hope that joint efforts of the government, healthcare workers, and the entire population in the case of Vsccination coronavirus pandemic will become an example of successful vaccination.

The Importance Of Vaccination

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