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The Enlightenment Roy Porter Summary

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In Our Time: S3/11 The Enlightenment in Britain (Jan 18 2001)

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Astrologia later passed into meaning 'star-divination' with astronomia used for the scientific term. From a 15th-century Welsh manuscript Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and the Indians , Chinese , and Maya developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes purporting to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of their birth. The majority of professional astrologers rely on such systems. The text is dated between BCE to final centuries BCE by various scholars according to astronomical and linguistic evidences. The Enlightenment Roy Porter Summary The Enlightenment Roy Porter Summary

Learn how and when to remove this template message The development of new digital technologies has resulted in an exponential growth in the volume of information and knowledge available, and made them more readily accessible to greater numbers of people throughout the world. As such, information and communication technologies can play an essential role in the sharing of knowledge and expertise in the service of sustainable development and in a spirit of solidarity.

And yet, for many observers, the world is witnessing rising levels of ethnic, The Enlightenment Roy Porter Summary and religious intoleranceoften using the same communication technologies for ideological and political mobilization to promote exclusivist worldviews. This mobilization often leads to further criminal and political violence and to armed conflict.

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Modern analyses and critiques[ edit ] Contemporary commentators have highlighted situations in which toleration conflicts with widely held moral standards, national law, the principles of national identity, or other strongly held goals. Michael Walzer notes that the British in India tolerated the Hindu practice of suttee ritual burning of a widow until On the other hand, the United States declined to tolerate the Mormon practice of polygamy.

The Enlightenment Roy Porter Summary

Hans Oberdiek writes, "As long as no one is harmed or no one's fundamental rights are violated, the state should keep hands off, tolerating what those controlling the state find disgusting, deplorable or even debased. This for a long time has been the most prevalent defense of toleration by liberals I tolerate your absurd beliefs and your foolish acts, though I know them to be absurd and foolish. Mill would, The Enlightenment Roy Porter Summary think, have agreed. Diverse groups learn to tolerate one another by developing "what Rawls calls 'overlapping consensus': individuals and groups with diverse metaphysical views or 'comprehensive schemes' will source reasons to agree about certain principles of justice that will include principles of toleration".

Tolerating the intolerant[ edit ] Main article: Paradox of tolerance Walzer, Karl Suummary [25] and John Rawls [26] have discussed the paradox of tolerating intolerance.

The Enlightenment Roy Porter Summary

Walzer asks "Should we tolerate the intolerant? He links this principle to the stability of a tolerant society, in which members of an intolerant sect in a tolerant society will, over time, acquire the tolerance of the wider society.

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Other criticisms and issues[ edit ] Toleration has been described as undermining itself via moral relativism : "either the claim self-referentially undermines itself or it provides us with no compelling reason to believe it. If we are skeptical about knowledge, then we have no way of knowing that toleration is good. Dworkin concludes that "the tolerant secular model is preferable, although he invited people to use the concept of personal responsibility to argue in favor of the tolerant religious Tge

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