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The Disparity In Ayn Rands Anthem

The Disparity In Ayn Rands Anthem Video

Anthem by Ayn Rand (Free Audiobook in American English Language) The Disparity In Ayn Rands Anthem

Some of the conditions are necessitated by nature as opined by some philosophers while others are brought about by structural imbalances in the human society.

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This unequal relationship contrasts with the natural and philosophical ideas that all men are born equal. The basis for this conviction is that we are so structured by nature and also endowed with reason and conscience and as such ought to act The Disparity In Ayn Rands Anthem others in a spirit of brotherhood. With that people in vantage positions tend Ij exploit, suppress and even mash underfoot the rights of less privileged of the society. The result of this social inequality has been glaring in our social contexts ranging from war, kidnapping, and murder amongst others. According to this theory, reason is the only veritable tool for knowing that which is of interest to man.


However, Philosophers have found fault with her theory on the grounds that it fails to reconcile the conflict of interests amongst men. The following important questions have given the Researcher a deep worry: 1 What is the basis for this form of ethics?

The Disparity In Ayn Rands Anthem

As a matter of fact, the critical problem that this work shoulders and attempts to resolve is provision of sound and convincing answers to the above questions problems. Another aim is to investigate numerous attempts made by some philosophers at denying or refuting rational egoism. This work will also look at the necessary conflict or contradiction inherent in identifying Randian form of egoism with traditional morality.

Hence, there will be a clear juxtaposition between rational egoism and altruism, which is advocated mostly by Christianity and other duty based theories.

The Disparity In Ayn Rands Anthem

This work, in addition to these, will establish a link, if any, between rational egoism and Altruism. It will also examine the nature, meaning and any possible value of rational egoism in the domain of moral philosophy. That Law should be set up to act as a check to the excesses of our impulses and interests.

The Novel Anthem By Ayn Rand

In this work however, the focus would rather be to investigate strictly her contributions to ethics. It will study the primary and major influences on Rand and her formulation and development of this form of egoism. Furthermore, we will intermittently make references to her famous novels, which underlie the theme of her philosophy.

It also advances the course of humanism in the 21st century.

The Disparity In Ayn Rands Anthem

This is because it maintains that man is the maker of his destiny, even his moral end is in his hand.]

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