Summary Of Into The Killing Seas By Michael Spradlin - Custom Academic Help

Summary Of Into The Killing Seas By Michael Spradlin - consider, that

The United Nations and its many agencies and programs are ultimately funded by taxpayers but they are too far removed from those taxpayers to be directly accountable to them. But who will discipline the UN? Agency theory ensures that no single country will venture to absorb the cost of disciplining the UN while gaining only pro-rata benefits. Under these conditions they can morph into bureaucratic organisms that operate for their own needs and no longer serve the public interest. A case study of the UNEP and its related agencies, programs, framework conventions, and protocols exposes structural weaknesses that allowed the bureaucracy to extract rents and grow by selling environmental fear and assigning themselves the high office of saving the planet. This sequence was played out in two different episodes. In the first episode a fear of ozone depletion was sold and after successfully implementing a worldwide ban on alleged ozone depleting substances, the UN declared victory even though no evidence exists of long term trends in latitudinally averaged global mean total column ozone. Summary Of Into The Killing Seas By Michael Spradlin.

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Close to the end of this Shalom Report, we will suggest five actions that will turn the symbolic Shofar into our active reality. Why must we do this? Because in just the past four weeks, the world itself has cried out four far more powerful separate soundings of the Shofar. There is only one response that in the long run works: inclusion, connection, or to use the short and embarrassing word — — love. The first Shofar blast was sounded at Charlottesville, and became even more shrill when the White House commented on what happened there.

Summary Of Into The Killing Seas By Michael Spradlin

It called on us, "Awake! A second Shofar blast was sounded by the hurricane that shattered many parts of Seaas. Far fewer Americans could also hear the same Shofar crying out from Asia, in the floods that killed thousands in Nepal, India, and Bangla Desh. These storms called on us, "Awake! Here it is the Earth itself that those who rule our society try to exclude and subjugate -- pretending that all the Earth is not an ecosystem and that what we do to rip and tear its interwovenness does not come back to harm us.

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This is the Shofar blast of The Bomb source, after almost thirty years of comfortable neglect as we thought the genocidal danger had Summary Of Into The Killing Seas By Michael Spradlin parked in a musty barn, unvisited. Fourth: The Shofar blast of efforts to wreck the lives of Dreamers and other immigrants, documented or not. We hear the wailing of heartbreak and sorrow in worsening deportation sweeps of these last few months, and in the cancelation of the DACA exemptions from deportation of the Dreamers who came as little children to the United States. These actions not only cruelty shatter immigrant families, but are also inexorably moving toward wounding the civil liberties and freedoms of many others.

In all four of these Traumas, there is the possibility of Transformation. We could bring together the different segments of working-class and lower-middle-class Americans of every race and gender and ethnicity in a joyful amalgam, a New New Deal of sharing. We could move swiftly to carry out the Treaty to abolish all nuclear weapons that was recently adopted by the United Nations, freeing us all from the threat of nuclear holocaust.

And we could take legal, political, and economic steps to welcome North Korea into the comity of nations, even though we do not like its government.


We could rework our entire approach to immigration. Then their citizens would not feel flight from poverty, violence, and despair is their only choice. In short, in each dimension of these echoing Shofar-outcries we could respond not with more repression but with Transformative inclusion -- Love. Jewish tradition teaches that God' s own self will blow the Great Shofar to herald the coming of Messiah and the days of healing, peace, and justice. As one ancient rabbi said, "May Messiah come, indeed, indeed.

Summary Of Into The Killing Seas By Michael Spradlin

On Rosh Hashanah we can only emulate the Great Shofar, to show that we are joining in the great outcry of Transformation. While The Shalom Center has responded with action-suggestions to all four of these Shofar-soundings of alarm and Spradlij, we Killinv chosen to focus most of our work on the existential threat to human civilization and to many other life-forms that arises from the climate crisis, from global scorching. We have chosen that for three reasons: a The danger is greatest; b The organized Jewish community has been much slower to respond to that danger than to other important issues like hostility to immigrants and refugees, religious bigotry, racism, and gender bigotry; c The Hebrew Scriptures are the Summary Of Into The Killing Seas By Michael Spradlin expression of an earth-based people, and have a rich treasury of wisdom for shaping a loving relationship between human earthlings and the Earth -- but that wisdom has mostly been ignored, and could now be drawn upon to inspire strong religious action for the earth.]

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