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St. Thomas Aquinas: The Power Of Rationalism And Sense

St. Thomas Aquinas: The Power Of Rationalism And Sense Video

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St. Thomas Aquinas: The Power Of Rationalism And Sense

The Ecstatic Visions of St. Catherine of Siena 18 hours ago 10 min read When we contemplate, we set aside a place, either externally in physical world or interiorly within our minds and hearts, or both, to ponder, observe, and meditate. Catherine had been inspired since childhood by the prayerful ancient Desert Fathers.

During a prayer one morning, Catherine asked Christ to teach her so that she could say the Psalms and sing His prayers, since she was not smart enough to master it on her own, adding that she would remain ignorant and meditate on Him in other ways if this was not His will.

St. Thomas Aquinas: The Power Of Rationalism And Sense

When she arose, she found she could read fluently. She read so fast that she was not able to read out separate syllables and could hardly spell the words, which he took as a sign of a miracle. Catherine read Latin but could not speak it. She would not write her first letter until at around the age of thirty.

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Her letters and Dialogue were written in Italian and in such beautiful language that they have been compared to the works of Dante. Mystical Ecstasies During these years of secluded contemplation and through the remainder of her life as well, Saint Catherine experienced many mystical ecstasies with visions of Christ and of the saints. Raymond relates an early vision of Christ in which the most profound of theological proofs Sr. stated simply and sublimely in just a handful of words. If you know these two things, you will be blessed.

St. Thomas Aquinas: The Power Of Rationalism And Sense

You are Aqyinas: who is not; whereas I am He who is. We must embrace humility in the recognition of our potential nothingness and the fervent love of charity for the One who gives us life and sustains us. This article is from Hounds of the Lord. Click image to learn more.

Christ presented her a ring that was invisible to others, but which she could see for the rest of her life. In another powerful vision revealed to her confessor, she asked Christ to take her own heart and will from her, and Christ came to her and removed her heart. Some days later, he appeared Aquina: her again and placed his own heart within her breast. Saint Thomas said that understanding is an excellence of knowledge that penetrates into the heart of things. Christ Himself said that the pure of heart shall see God.]

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