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Sports In High School

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Sports in the High School Environment - Erik Moore - TEDxAmadorValleyHigh Sports In High School

April 13, at a. No such bureaucratic hurdles, however, stalled the resumption of high school sports.

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Hih They were abandoned. We are now seeing the irony of putting sports ahead of classroom education. When schools first shut down last spring because of COVID, it immediately became clear that many disabled and disadvantaged children, through no fault of their own, were suffering academically, emotionally and socially from remote learning.

Sports In High School

Yet, as the closures dragged on, there seemed to be absolutely no interest in finding alternatives for teenage students like mine. They were left to suffer in physical isolation for more than a year. While I agreed with the need for caution in Sdhool our schools until the science on doing so safely became clear, I also believed there were viable alternatives for students left behind by distance learning.

Sports In High School

But there was no will to pursue them. While high school athletes were allowed to train outdoors last summer, no such accommodations were made for disabled high school students. Even one-on-one counseling sessions for emotional health were not permitted in person. The notion that close-contact sports are less risky for transmitting COVID than socially distanced, masked classrooms is, to put it mildly, ludicrous, but that is precisely the message our school system and state officials sent by allowing these activities to resume before classroom instruction.

High School Sports News

Or is it simply that our society deems organized school sports more important than special education services? When the pandemic ends, we will again hear arguments that the problems plaguing public education and the disadvantaged can be solved with more funding. The experience of the pandemic Sports In High School convinced me of what I long suspected: These problems, particularly as they relate to the most vulnerable students, extend far beyond a lack of money.

Sports In High School

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