Should Human Organs Be Legalized Essay - Custom Academic Help

Should Human Organs Be Legalized Essay

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Should Human Organs Be Legalized Essay

Many of the arguments opposing legalising organ sales revolve around overexaggerated fears with little evidence. The English legal system has never shied away from making uncomfortable but rational decisions — it certainly should not start now.

Unfortunately, this is currently prohibited almost universally.

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In the UK for example, the sale of human biological material is currently prohibited under section 32 of the Human Tissue Act, with section 53 defining the relevant material in such a way that it prohibits all forms of bodily material except for hair, nails and those which can be used for reproduction. Despite the click arguments that have been deployed in favour of prohibiting the sale of HBM, none of them are convincing and for that reason, the law should permit it.

The following limits should be imposed: the sale of such material should only be to the NHS; only living humans should be allowed to sell this material and; any sale which would result in the death of that person should be prohibited i. Within this scope, there seems to be no persuasive reason why the buying and selling of such material cannot be allowed. Should Human Organs Be Legalized Essay

Should Human Organs Be Legalized Essay

Those in support of this view argue that in order to protect the poor, we need to make it illegal so that nobody can pressure them to do so. There are a few responses which may be made to this argument. Firstly, there are social and economic pressures in almost everything we do in life — a lot of people work out of the fear that they would Should Human Organs Be Legalized Essay poor if they did not — so to criticise organ sales on this basis is not sufficient.

Those who are poorer often do things that endanger them, such as the plaintiff in McGhee v National Coal Board who was employed to clean out brick kilns and developed dermatitis from the accumulation of coal dust on his skin.

Essay Organ Trafficking and Body Snatching

After all, there is nothing about donating the organ rather than selling it which reduces any of the features Shou,d the operation that she detailed above. If we praise people for being selfless when they endure all this pain and donate their organs, why do we suddenly see it as objectionable when they receive some financial reward for it? It is inconsistent at best, and hypocritical at worst.

Debt collectors are not given freedom to collect everything and anything one owns in order to pay their debts.

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The NHS could be put on constructive notice to ensure that everyone who attempted to sell their organs had received independent advice about what they were entering into. This paternalistic approach would violate the principle of freedom of contract and individual autonomy. The suggested safeguards are good enough — a basic part of autonomy is also the freedom to make bad decisions. Commercialisation of the Body A similar but distinct point which has been raised is that the sale of organs would change the nature of the relationship we have with our bodies Ortans we see it as a commodity that can be exchanged for financial rewards.

Should Human Organs Be Legalized Essay

As Cherry — the applied ethics professor at the University of Texas Austin — argues, we begin to respect our bodies less when we come to see it this way, but also the bodies of others. We think of human life as intrinsically valuable, but a commercial view of the body could lead to an alternative view: human life is only valuable if one possesses organs that can be sold or traded.

Should Human Organs Be Legalized Essay

This is clearly undesirable and for that reason the status quo should be maintained. This argument is less convincing than the Legalize, and for a few reasons. Ignoring the vagueness and speculative nature of the argument for a second, we may ask if the human body is not already commercialised?]

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