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The central hypothesis of the study is that there are systematic differences with respect to structural design features between canonical and non-canonical fiction, and between fictional and non-fictional texts. Two aspects of global structure are investigated, variability and self-similar fractal patterns, which reflect long-range correlations along texts. We use four types of basic observations, i the frequency of POS-tags per sentence, ii sentence length, iii lexical diversity, and iv the distribution of topic probabilities in segments of texts. The observations for each property are transformed into series, which are analyzed in terms of variance and subjected to Multi-Fractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis MFDFA , giving rise to three statistics: i the degree of fractality H , ii the degree of multifractality D , i. The statistics thus obtained are compared individually across text categories and jointly fed into a classification model Support Vector Machine. Our results show that there are in fact differences between the three text categories of interest. Rp Lexical Diversity Essay

Share Lexucal Today I'm printing a pilot study I wrote as a seminar paper for one of my PhD classes, a course in researching second language learning. It was one of the first times I did what I think of as real empirical research, using an actual data set.

Hypothesis and Theory ARTICLE

That data set came from a professor friend of mine. It was a corpus of essays written for a major test of writing in English, often used for entrance into English-language colleges and Rp Lexical Diversity Essay, and developed by a major testing company. The essays came packaged with metadata include the score they received, making them ideal here investigating the relationship between textual features and perceived quality, then as now a key interest of mine.

Rp Lexical Diversity Essay

And since the data had been used in real-world testing with high stakes for test takers, it added obvious exigence to the project. The data set was perfect - except for the very fact that it was from Big Testing Company, and thus Divwrsity and subject to their rules about using their data.

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That's why, when I got the data from my prof, she said "you probably won't want to try and publish this. That wasn't a big deal, really - like I said, it was a pilot study, written for a Dibersity - but this points to broader problems with how independent researchers can vet and source tests that are part of a big money, high-stakes industry.

Rp Lexical Diversity Essay

Here's the thing: often, to use data from testing companies like Big Testing Company, you have to submit your work for their prior review at every step of the revision process. EEssay since you will have to make several rounds of changes for most journals, and get Big Source Company to sign off on them, you could easily find yourself waiting years and years to get published.

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So for this article I would have had to send them the paper, wait months for them to say if they were willing to review it and then send me revisions, make those revisions and send the paper back, wait for them to see if they'd accept my revisions, submit it to a journal, wait for the journal to get back to me with revision requests, make the revisions for the journal, then send the revised Rp Lexical Diversity Essay back to the testing company to see if they were cool with the new revisions It would add a whole new layer of waiting and review to an already long and frustrating process.

So I said no thanks and moved on to new projects. I suspect I'm not alone in this; grad students and pre-tenure professors, after all, have time constraints on how long the publication process can take, and that process is professionally crucial.]

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