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Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Analysis Video

Challenger: President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech - 1/28/86 Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Analysis

This State of the Union speech was to be given on January 28, It was delayed a week to February 4 due to the Space Shuttle Challenger disasterwhich occurred that day. President Reagan instead made a televised speech that evening from the Oval Office of the White House to memorialize the Challenger astronauts.

Speaker, Mr. President, distinguished members of Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Analysis Congress, honored guests and fellow citizens, thank you for allowing me to delay my address until this evening.

We paused together to mourn and honor the valor of learn more here seven Challenger heroes. And I hope that we are now ready to do what they would want us to do — go forward America and reach for the stars.

We will never forget those brave seven, but we shall go forward. Speaker, before I begin my prepared remarks, may I point out that tonight marks the 10th and last State of the Union message that you've presided over.

Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Analysis

And on behalf of the American people, I want to salute you for your service to Congress and country. Applause I have come to review with you the progress of our Nation, to speak of unfinished work, and to set our sights on the future. I am pleased to report the state of our Union is stronger than a year ago, and growing stronger Disasted day.

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Tonight, we look out on a rising America — firm of heart, united in spirit, in pride and patriotism — America is on the move! But, it wasn't long ago that we Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Analysis out on a different land — locked factory gates, long gasoline lines, intolerable prices and interest rates turning the greatest country on earth into a land of broken dreams.

Government growing beyond our consent had become a lumbering giant, slamming shut the gates of opportunity, threatening to crush the very roots of our freedom. What brought America back? The American people brought us back — with quiet courage and common sense; applause Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Analysis undying faith that in this Nation under God the future will be ours, for the future belongs to the free.

And despite the pressures of our modern world, family and community remain the moral core of our society, guardians of our values and hopes for the future. Family and community are the co-stars of this Great American Comeback. They are why we say tonight: Private values must be at the heart of public policies. What is true for families in America is true for America in the family of free nations. History is no captive of some inevitable force. History is this web page by men and women of vision and courage. Tonight, freedom is on the march. The United States is the economic miracle, the model to which the world once again turns. We stand for an idea whose time is now: Only by lifting the weights from the shoulders of all can people truly prosper and can peace among all nations be secure.

Teddy Roosevelt said that a nation that does great work lives forever. We have done well, but we cannot stop at the foothills when Everest beckons. It's time for America to be all that we can be. We speak tonight of an "Agenda for the Future," an agenda for a safer, more secure world.

The Space Shuttle Challenger

And we speak about the necessities for actions to steel us for the challenges of growth, trade and security in the next decade and the year And we will do it — not by breaking faith with bedrock principles, but by breaking free from failed policies. Let us begin where storm clouds loom darkest — right here in washington, D. This week I will send you our detailed proposals; tonight, let us speak of our responsibility to redefine government's role: Not to control, not to demand or command, not to contain us; but to help in times of need, and above all, to create a visit web page of opportunity to full employment so that all Americans can climb toward economic power and justice on their own.

But we cannot win the race to the future to a system that can't even pass a federal budget. We cannot win that race held back by horse-and-buggy programs that waste tax dollars and squander human potential.

Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Analysis

We cannot win that race if we're swamped in a sea of red ink. Now, Mr.]

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