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Roles Of Women In The Hunger Games Video

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 Official Trailer – “We March Together”

Roles Of Women In The Hunger Games - amusing

Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest While some actors appear on-screen playing similar characters, others explore new facets of their talent. At Bright Side, we admire actors who are not afraid of artistic challenges, and we want to show you 9 of them. But this time, she will appear in the role of the insidious villain, Cruella. The film of the same name will be released in and will tell the story of this charming antagonist who adores everything in black and white and dreams of wearing a fur coat made of Dalmatian skin. Moreover, the actress is willing to sacrifice her beauty in order to play a character in the most authentic way. Roles Of Women In The Hunger Games Roles Of Women In The Hunger Games Roles Of Women In The Hunger Games

However, while the main core of the story is about a rebellion Rlles an evil government, there are also many important friendships and romantic relationships in the series. But, since there is so much going in regards to survival, there are many characters who could have been friends that never got the chance to be.

Roles Of Women In The Hunger Games

These are the characters that here have made good friends based on factors such as personality, morality, and their viewpoints on the world. And, while some of the characters have interacted, others never met at all in the canon. Circumstances made them enemies, but they were truthful were both rather ruthless and in love Rooles power and control.

If they had been raised in the same place, they might have actually gotten along somewhat or been like rivals. The only issue is that Haymitch is more attached to Katniss while Plutarch views her more as a tool. However, they could have gotten along.

They were both rather extreme in their own ways when it came to a sense of style, although Tigris Gamse Effie look tame in comparison. They also have a lot of privileges in the Capitol but do have some level of compassion for others.


They are both rather serious people and devoted to the jobs they do and the people they serve. However, in a different story set up, they might have gotten along. They both are from District 12 and knew the difficulties of life there, and while they do have very different personalities, they could have provided some balance to one another.

Roles Of Women In The Hunger Games

Because of this, she and Katniss could have had a lot of common ground. Katniss was never great at making friends, but Cressida also seems quite no-nonsense in a way that would have made her a good support for Katniss. Madge was the daughter of the Mayor of District 12, but despite this privileged position, she was the only girl who would sit with Katniss at school.

They are both rather caring and compassionate people who have Gamea through some terrible things. They are more subdued than many others around them and would probably get along in peace. However, it would have been great to see this relationship grow more from a rivalry into a more solidified friendship.

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While both women have rather strong personalities that can be abrasive to the other, they also could find ways to respect the other if they just gave the other a chance. They are both around the Gaes age and are intelligent, capable individuals who are forced to grow up too early. They both have a compassion and beauty to them, and their lives are both cut way too short.]

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