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. Reflective Essay: My Emerging Social Work Identity Reflective Essay: My Emerging Social Work Identity

The technique as originally invented is still used in electron microscopywhere it is known as electron holographybut optical holography did not really advance until the development of the laser in They were not Worj efficient as the produced grating absorbed much of the incident light.

Various methods of converting the variation in transmission to a variation in refractive index known as "bleaching" were developed which enabled much more efficient holograms to be produced. Transmission holograms, such as those produced by Leith and Upatnieks, are viewed by shining laser light through them and looking at the reconstructed image from the side of the hologram opposite link source. They are also capable of multicolour-image reproduction.

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Most holograms produced are of static objects but systems for Reflecive changing scenes on a holographic volumetric display are now being developed. It was thought that it would be possible to use X-rays to make holograms of very small objects and view them using visible light. Due to the shorter wavelength of x-rays compared to visible light, this approach allows imaging objects with higher spatial resolution. The hologram recorded an images of a toy van and car. It is no more possible to discern the subject of the hologram from this pattern than it is to identify what music has been recorded by looking at a CD surface.

The holographic information is recorded by the speckle pattern Holography is a technique that enables a light field which is generally the result of a light source scattered off objects to be recorded and later reconstructed when the original light field is no longer Sociall, due to the absence of the original objects.

Laser[ edit ] In laser holography, the hologram is recorded using a source of laser Myy, which is very pure in its color and orderly in Reflective Essay: My Emerging Social Work Identity composition. Various setups may be used, and several types of holograms can be made, but all involve the Mysticism In Medea of light coming from different directions and producing a microscopic interference pattern which a platefilm, or other medium photographically records. In one common arrangement, the laser beam is split into two, one known as the object beam and the other as the reference beam.

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The object beam is expanded by passing it through a lens and used to illuminate the subject. The recording medium is located where this light, after being reflected or scattered by the subject, will strike it. The edges of the medium will ultimately serve as a window through which the subject is seen, so its location is chosen with that in mind.

The reference beam is expanded and made to shine directly on the medium, where it interacts with the light coming from the subject to create the desired interference pattern. Like conventional photography, holography requires an appropriate exposure time to correctly affect the recording medium. Unlike conventional photography, during the exposure the light source, the optical elements, the recording medium, and the subject must all remain motionless relative to each other, to within about a quarter of the wavelength of the light, or the interference pattern will be blurred Reflective Essay: My Emerging Social Work Identity the hologram spoiled.

Reflective Essay: My Emerging Social Work Identity

With living subjects and some unstable materials, that is only possible if a very intense and extremely brief pulse of laser light is used, a hazardous procedure which is rare and rarely done outside of scientific and industrial laboratory settings. Exposures lasting several seconds to Emedging minutes, using a much lower-powered continuously operating laser, are typical.

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Apparatus[ edit ] A hologram can be made by shining Reflective Essay: My Emerging Social Work Identity of the light beam directly into the recording medium, and the other part onto the object in such a way that some of the scattered light falls onto the recording medium. A more flexible arrangement for recording a hologram requires the laser beam to be aimed through a series of elements that change it in different ways. The first element is a beam splitter that divides the beam into two identical beams, each aimed in different directions: One beam known as the 'illumination' or 'object beam' is spread using lenses and directed onto the scene using mirrors. Some of the light scattered reflected from the scene then falls onto the recording medium. The second beam known as the 'reference beam' is also spread through the use of lenses, but is directed so that it does not come in contact with the scene, and instead travels directly onto the recording medium. Several different materials can be used as the recording medium.

One of the most common is a film very similar to photographic film silver halide photographic emulsionbut with a much higher concentration of light-reactive grains, making it capable of the much higher resolution that holograms require. A layer of this recording medium e.

Reflective Essay: My Emerging Social Work Identity

Process[ edit ] When the two laser beams reach the recording medium, their light waves intersect and interfere with each other. It is this interference pattern that is imprinted on the recording medium.]

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