Plot Summary Of The Play Much Ado About Nothing - Custom Academic Help

Plot Summary Of The Play Much Ado About Nothing

Plot Summary Of The Play Much Ado About Nothing Video

Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare - Summary \u0026 Analysis Plot Summary Of The Play Much Ado About Nothing

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Plot Overview Summary Plot Overview Nathaniel, a twenty-eight year-old aspiring architect, reclines with his three roommates on the terrace of their thirty-first-floor sublet. He imagines himself as a grown man recounting the experience of y2k to his grandchildren. Realizing uMch unimportant the event was, he laughs at his own imagined future.

Plot Summary Of The Play Much Ado About Nothing

The idea of anyone his age actually having kids at all, let alone grandkids, seems ridiculous to him. Thinking about his nephew and family in general also prompts Lucien to think about his late wife, Charlie, who died of cancer. They have lived in the apartment since Lucien helped Nathaniel settle in the city in Nathaniel and his roommates recall witnessing the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11,while eating breakfast on the terrace.

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The event was traumatic for all of them, and it took a long time before any of them could relax on the terrace again. Their toast marks a significant time in their lives, and Nathaniel realizes that they may all go in separate directions once Matsumoto returns. Lucien plans to spend the evening as he usually does, alone with a glass of wine. The thought of doing so, however, makes him feel very old, and he suddenly has the desire to give Sharmila some advice about life and share some of his wisdom with her.

At the same time, Lucien is grateful for Rose and Isaac because they remind him of his deceased wife. He misses Charlie very much and spends a great deal of time reminiscing about his life with her.

Much Ado About Nothing Contextual Analysis

Nathaniel, meanwhile, recalls the time when Aunt Charlie and Uncle Lucien visited his family in the Midwest. The visit, however, was not exactly pleasant. He finds it ironic that New York City, the place that offered his parents safe haven when they first immigrated to the country, is now his home. Meanwhile, Lucien remembers his elementary school Summar, Miss Mueller. She was his history teacher, and he reminisces about how much of what she taught him is now considered incorrect. Nathaniel recounts the story of his comic book creation, Passivityman.

Plot Summary Of The Play Much Ado About Nothing

He looks around at his friends, those he used as models for his comic book characters, and wonders if superpowers fade naturally as one gets older. Lucien begins to recount the events of the of September 11,in his mind.

He was far from the World Trade Center site that morning but headed straight to Ground Zero when he heard the news in an effort to find Nathaniel. Lucien thinks his perspective on things has changed irrevocably because of the event. Nathaniel, on the other hand, continues drinking with his housemates, looking into the future.

Plot Summary Of The Play Much Ado About Nothing

He realizes that his relationship with his parents has grown gentler and more mature over the years. Across town, Lucien toasts to the open air and thinks, abstractly, pessimistically, about the future.]

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