Personal Narrative: A Colorful Origami - Custom Academic Help

Personal Narrative: A Colorful Origami Video

Origami Mermaid Tutorial - How to Fold an Origami Mermaid - Paper Crafts Tutorial Personal Narrative: A Colorful Origami Personal Narrative: A Colorful Origami

Personal Narrative: Origami Dragon Words2 Pages Over the many years of paying attention and observing my surroundings I came across different talents that was either inherited or self-learned. Those talents were crafting and being able to help anyone or anything with positive opinion and comments.

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When I was becoming a 5th grader in Cabot Yerxa Elementary, I discovered that I had a creative mind and creative hands when I was about to make a sculpture. In the wonderful class of Ms. Ward, we were making a small yet fun projects.

Personal Narrative: A Colorful Origami

I was making a small paper origami dragon and it turned out to be a actual origami dragon. I thought of making the dragon wrong by ripping the paper but turns out it was amazing.

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After doing so many project and crafting so many different kinds of origami and sculptures I started to understand why I was brought here on earth. After having so many experiences with my different talents Pesronal not just that but with the people I was with, it change the way I acted to different people. I started to make people feel good about themselves.

Personal Narrative: A Colorful Origami

When hearing that from someone is a proud accomplished that not just one person should have. Everyone should be able to feel that excitement or achievement or even just to feel proud that they just made a person feel good about themselves. After having that feeling it on going to the point where it carried on throughout the rest of my life and I proud to be who I am.]

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