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People celebrated in the Lutheran liturgical calendar Essays People celebrated in the Lutheran liturgical calendar Essays.

Traditional process[ edit ] World Youth Day is commonly celebrated in a way similar to many events.

The most emphasized and well known traditional theme is the unity and presence of numerous different cultures. Flags and other national declarations are displayed among mainly young people to show their attendance at the events and proclaim their own themes of Catholicism. Such is usually done through chants and singing of other national songs involving a Catholic theme. Over the course of the major events taking place, national objects are traded between pilgrims.

Flags, shirts, crosses, and other Catholic icons are carried amongst pilgrims which are later traded as souvenirs to other people from different countries of the world. A unity of acceptance among people is also common, with all different cultures coming together to appreciate hte another. Other widely recognized traditions include the Pope's public appearance, commencing with his arrival around the city in the " Popemobile " and then with his final Mass held at the event.

A festival in Sydney recorded an estimated distance of a kilometre walk as roads and other public transport systems were closed off. Pope Benedict XVI criticized the tendency to view WYD as a kind of rock festival ; he stressed that the event should not be considered a "variant of modern youth culture" but as the fruition of a "long exterior and interior path".

People celebrated in the Lutheran liturgical calendar Essays

The participation of Catholics from many countries worldwide results in an enhanced and collaborate spiritual experience. Thomas Gabriel composed for the final Mass on 21 August the Missa mundi Mass of the worldrepresenting five continents in style and instrumentation, in a European Kyrie influenced by the style of Bach, a South American Gloria with guitars and pan flutesan Asian Credo with sitaran African Sanctus with drums, and an Australian Agnus Dei with didgeridoos.

People celebrated in the Lutheran liturgical calendar Essays

The week saw pilgrims from all continents participate in the Days in the Diocese program hosted by Catholic dioceses throughout Australia and New Zealand. Pilgrims participated in a variety of youth festivities including visits to St Mary's Cathedraldaily catechesis and Mass led by bishops from around the world, concerts, visits to the tomb of Saint Mary MacKillopthe Vocations Expo at Darling Harbour, reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliationand praying before the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration.

The Mass and concert at Barangaroo saw an estimated crowd ofThe event attractedforeign visiting pilgrims to Sydney, with an estimatedpilgrims attending Mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI on 20 July. The site was closed in In Decemberthe xt3 team produced a 'Gangnam Style' Advent video.

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This event was held from 16 to 21 August John Paul II: St. IsidoreSt. John of the CrossSt. Rose of LimaSt. Ignatius of LoyolaSt. Francis Xavier patron of world missions. During his address to seminarians, Benedict announced that the Spanish mystic and patron of Spanish diocesan clerics St. An estimated 2, people attended an all-night vigil to complete the week, more than expected. More than 3 Million catholic youth had gathered for the event from across the world. Young people from many different countries around the world took part in the week-long event which began on 25 Julyand ended on 31 July with an open-air mass led by Pope Francis at Campus Misericordiae where he announced celebratec the next World Youth Day will take place in Panama, Central America in ]

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