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. Pecunia Civilization Analysis Pecunia Civilization Analysis.

The study is part of a broader, mostly bibliographical research about capitalism as religion, which purpose is to analyze capitalism as everyday life religion. According to him, sacrifice is based on the payment of a debt or guilt that is exchanged for an offering of equivalent value, the victim. Since then and despite of all Pecunia Civilization Analysis changes he underwent money never lost its deep rootedness in the sacred sphere.

Open Journal of Social Sciences, 9, This issue will Civulization better developed ahead.

Pecunia Civilization Analysis

His main work of social analysis is Erregte Gesellschaft:Philosophie der Sensation Excited Society—Philosophy of Sensation,in which he interpreted the post modern Civilizattion for strong sensations and Pecunia Civilization Analysis sensation seeking culture as an encrypted and ongoing form of the religious hierophanies of the past. The latent trends of re-archaization in the high-tech society led him to publish two studies on hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, learning and schooling: Hyperaktiv! Kritik der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitkultur Hyperactive! For the author, the new culture of learning globally required by neoliberalism is a vital threat to the ability of people to concentrate, Pecunia Civilization Analysis think autonomously, and to endure. In this book the author analyzes the digital world as an impenetrable forest, with a few paths dominated by the great digital platforms such as Google, Facebook, Whatsapp, or Twitter.

These platforms assume the role of large clans, within which, because of the enormous social pressure, herds of compulsory members, the followers, come inescapably together. Whoever does not join the herd has no chance, is out of culture and society.

Pecunia Civilization Analysis

In this article, I present and discuss the book Mehr! Philosophie des Geldes More! He sees money fundamentally as a means of payment and atonement for a debt or guilt, as a Schuldtilgungsmittel2, which began in the sacred rituals of sacrifice. In the following, I present only the main insights and arguments of the Pecunia Civilization Analysis, highlighting the original contributions he brought to the issue of capitalism as religion.

Pecunia Civilization Analysis

The titles of Sections 2, 3 Pecunia Civilization Analysis 4 follow at large the book contents sequence. At the end, I make some comments and draw some conclusions. He locates in the very enabling condition of the capitalist system, in money itself, as a universal equivalent, a nature, or a function, which has never ceased to be linked to the structure of a primeval and archaic sacred. The basic questions that the author asks himself at the beginning are: What is it? Where does it come from? How does money work? Money does agree, La perla Essays variants exist by itself, nor belongs to nature as water, trees and air.

It needs human beings and social relations to be money. Why did money become the universal value meter of our times? Money, as Marx had already analyzed, has a mysterious nature: despite being only quantity, after a certain level, it also measures the qualitative. In money, many human issues are most of the time hidden and do not appear. However, in times Civilizatio crisis and crash it is very clear that money pervades human life and emotions. For example, during recent financial crashes, people got depressed or committed suicide because of money. But he does not stop at the explanations of Marx, Smith, Hegel, or even Aristotle, which Pceunia considers simplistic, according to which money—first in the form of currency—would have arisen or been Pecunia Civilization Analysis to facilitate the exchange of goods.

This is what Marx, following Adam Smith, initially calls a more or less arbitrary choice of a specific commodity to operate as an equivalent of all the others and thus to facilitate the exchange of unequal things for an equivalent that equals and replaces everything. According to Peccunia explanation, the choice of the equivalent would have historically fallen on a special type of commodity, the precious metals: Pecunia Civilization Analysis, bronze, and gold. Due to their favorable physical properties, metals would be minted in the form of coins and would function as money, the universal equivalent.]

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