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Nature Of Medication Error

Nqture factors Abstract There is a limited number of click assessing the epidemiology of Adverse Drug Events ADEs in the outpatient setting, especially those that do not result in healthcare use. The primary objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and determinants of self-reported ADEs among Lebanese outpatients.

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It was a cross-sectional observational study performed among Lebanese outpatients visiting community pharmacies across Lebanon. Binary logistic regression was performed to identify factors that affect the experience of self-reported ADEs. The study comprised patients. When ADEs occur, Our study showed prevalence of ADEs among Lebanese outpatients especially patients with polypharmacy, and highlighted the need to educate patients about the importance of reporting ADEs to their physicians. Adverse drug events ADEs are the most common type of adverse events Nature Of Medication Error by patients 2. Hence, ADEs include the adverse drug reactions ADRs occurring during normal use of the medicine, and Medivation harm secondary to a Nature Of Medication Error error or inappropriate medication use 34. Although estimates of the incidence of ADEs vary depending on the setting, the population, and the method of assessment used, ADEs remain an important cause of morbidity, Natuge and wasted expenditure 5Case Study Disease. There are several reliable methods to collect ADEs.

These methods comprise spontaneous reporting through national pharmacovigilance databases, collecting practice data, soliciting events from healthcare professionals, direct observation, and surveying patients for drug-related events 78.

Nature Of Medication Error

Similarly, patient surveys are an important and reliable method to detect ADEs in the outpatient setting. In contrast to inpatients, outpatients are responsible for both obtaining and administering their medications, and tend to have longer duration of treatment. Furthermore, outpatients often have more than one prescriber, less regular contact with their physicians and far less monitoring compared with hospitalized patients 14 There is a limited number of studies assessing the Nature Of Medication Error of ADEs in the outpatient setting, especially the ADEs that do not result in healthcare use 17 Additional studies highlighted poor patient awareness as a main barrier for Nature Of Medication Error reporting of ADRs 24 In Lebanon, the financial constraints, fragmented care, and easy accessibility of medications, potentially increase the risk of inappropriate medication use and adverse drug events Other Medicxtion also highlighted a poor reporting culture among Lebanese medical staff and suboptimal pharmacovigilance awareness 323334 Lastly, Visit web page pharmacists working in community settings reported being aware of ADRs occurring with various medications post-marketing, yet were currently Errkr to disseminate this information or record it centrally, in the absence of an active national reporting system The primary objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors of self-reported Adverse Drug Events among Lebanese outpatients.

A secondary objective was to assess the counseling outpatients received from their primary caregivers in the community and upon hospital discharge when applicable.

Nature Of Medication Error

Methods A cross-sectional questionnaire-based observational study was performed between March and Mayamong Lebanese outpatients visiting a community pharmacy. Patients were eligible for the study if they were Lebanese adults, click one or more medication, and willing to participate in the study. The investigators then adapted the questionnaire to the Lebanese context and added many questions to align with the study objectives. Nature Of Medication Error the questionnaire, investigators measured frequency using a five-point Likert scale with answer categories ranging from always to never.

The questionnaire was first developed in English, and was then translated into Arabic using a forward—backward translation process for validation.

Nature Of Medication Error

Before administration, the questionnaire was pilot-tested for clarity and content validity in different populations, including health professionals, nonprofessionals, and the elderly. Since our adopted definition for ADEs includes both ADRs and medication errors, and since the medication administration in the outpatient setting is under the control of the patient, the distinction between an ADR and a medication error is not straightforward and cannot be assessed using a simple self-administered questionnaire. The study investigators trained fourteen OPL inspectors, all pharmacists, in a 4-hour session that Nafure a general overview of ADEs, instructions on how to include participants in the study, and a review of the questionnaire.

Case Study: Legal Aspects of Medical Errors

The investigators obtained a list of all active community pharmacies in Lebanon from the OPL. Using convenience sampling, the investigators selected a sample of community pharmacies across Lebanon for patient encounters. The OPL inspectors visited each pharmacy for a maximum of one hour. In each pharmacy, one inspector approached patients asking for their willingness to participate, and described the objective of the study and the estimated time to complete the questionnaire. The inspector highlighted that participation in the study is voluntary and strictly confidential. Nature Of Medication Error questionnaire was self-administered.]

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